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Tag : White paper

How TACSI’s social R&D paper was inspired by biscuits

Nikki Stefanoff, Monday, 2nd August 2021 -  “People invest in new phones because there’s a market for new things that are seen to be better. I don’t think there’s the same appetite when it comes to social progress.” The Australian

Donors Go Digital: How Nonprofits and Charities Can Tap into the Power of Online Payments

Contributor, Tuesday, 5th June 2018 -  Are you doing enough to seize opportunities in the digital space? For not for profits, competing for online eyeballs and dollars can be a constant battle. So how do charitable organisations

Tax Review Targets Not for Profit Sector

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 31st March 2015 -  The Federal Government’s new discussion paper on tax reform specifically targets the Not for Profit sector asking if the current tax arrangements are appropriate – raising…

Event Marketing for NFPs – Free Whitepaper

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 19th March 2015 -  Pro Bono Australia has teamed up with global ticketing and events marketplace, Eventbrite, to produce a free whitepaper outlining best practice for Not for Profit event marketing.…

Mutuals and Coops White Paper Released

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 4th September 2014 -  The mutuals and co-operatives sector says its successful model of enterprise offers a viable alternative way to deliver public services traditionally provided by Government in…

Partnerships: Driving Social Impact and NFP Sustainability

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th February 2014 -  Managing Director of Spark Strategy, George Liacos, discusses cross sectoral partnerships, their ability to drive greater social change and influence business models, following…

Scrapping Food Grants is False Economy: Alliance

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th February 2014 -  The Federal Government’s decision to scrap the $1.5 million Community Food Grants program is false economy and shows it is disconnected from the Australian community, according…

Call for Equality for Students with Disability

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 -  Australian students with disabilities are still being denied the rights of an inclusive education enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, according…

Corporate Community Impact in Asia Summit

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 3rd September 2013 -  Corporate Australia has an opportunity to be more active citizens in the Asian Century and discuss the future potential at the upcoming Corporate Community Impact Summit, 3 October…

Call for Natural Disaster Fund

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th June 2013 -  An Australian Business and Not for Profit Roundtable has released a White Paper calling for a $250 million pre-natural disaster fund to be set up in a bid to save billions of dollars…

Charities – Don’t Get Left Behind in Digital Communications

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th September 2012 -  Australian charities and associations can learn from institutions such as The Economist and Harvard Business Review about forward-thinking content engagement and digital bravery,…
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