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Tag : COAG

Over-crowding the new homelessness crisis- report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 5th June 2013 -  The number of Australians living in “severely crowded” and temporary housing has seen the number of people classed as homeless rise significantly, casting doubt over COAG’s benchmark…

NGO Leaders Unite for Disadvantaged Students

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 16th April 2013 -  Fifteen of Australia's leading non-government community organisations have united for the first time to sign an open letter to COAG calling on State, Territory and Federal…

States Sign Off on Homelessness Agreement

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th March 2013 -  All State and Territory housing ministers have finally made a deal with the Federal Government in a $320 million agreement to continue national homelessness services but the Not…

?COAG Releases Regulatory Impact Assessment for Charities

Lina Caneva, Saturday, 26th January 2013 -  ?The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has released a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for consultation on ways to reduce regulatory duplication between the proposed…

NSW Agreement on NDIS

Lina Caneva, Friday, 7th December 2012 -  The Federal and New South Wales Governments have reached an historic agreement that will allow for the full roll out of a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in New South Wales…

Standardise Sustainability Reporting for Australian Governments – GRI

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd October 2012 -  Australian Governments at all levels should adopt a standardised sustainability reporting framework via agreement through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), according…

NFP Coalition Pushes Affordable Housing Plan

Staff Reporter, Friday, 31st August 2012 -  A coalition of national housing, welfare and community sector organisations is proposing a four point plan to address affordable housing in Australia . The coalition called Australians…

No Ease Up On Rental Stress

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd July 2012 -  A new report from the Council Of Australian Governments (COAG) Reform Council has shown that rental stress continues to be an issue for low income Australians, with more than three…

PM Announces Start Date of NDIS

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th April 2012 -  Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced that Stage One of the National Disability Insurance Scheme will start mid 2013 – but the PM has stopped short of revealing where the…

COAG Moves on Major Not for Profit Issues

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th April 2012 -  The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has moved on a number of major issues affecting the Not for Profit sector in the areas of Sector reform as well as a national approach to…

Mental Health Reform Survey

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th January 2012 -  The Federal Government is seeking public opinion on its draft Ten Year Roadmap for National Mental Health Reform via an online survey. The Roadmap is a key component of the Australian…

COAG Endorses Road Map for Disability Reform

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th February 2011 -  The National Disability Strategy – billed by the Federal Government as the first national strategy to provide a long term disability action road map – has been endorsed…
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