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Mental Health Reform Survey

17 January 2012 at 10:53 am
Staff Reporter
The Federal Government is seeking public opinion on its draft Ten Year Roadmap for National Mental Health Reform via an online survey.

Staff Reporter | 17 January 2012 at 10:53 am


Mental Health Reform Survey
17 January 2012 at 10:53 am

The Federal Government is seeking public opinion on its draft Ten Year Roadmap for National Mental Health Reform via an online survey.

The Roadmap is a key component of the Australian Government's Delivering National Mental Health Reform Package of the 2011-12 Budget, and the draft has been developed with states and territories, with input from mental health experts, including mental health consumers and carers.

The survey will be available from 16 January 2012 until 7pm AEDST 1 February 2012.

In 2011 the Federal Government committed to the National Mental Health Reform 2011-12 Budget package of measures. The package will provide $2.2 billion over five years for a broad range of initiatives to better support Australians living with mental illness, their families and carers.

In announcing the 2011-12 Budget, the Government acknowledged that a longer term vision and framework is needed to guide national mental health reform.

The Ten Year Roadmap for National Mental Health Reform (the Roadmap) is intended to set out the shared vision for Australia’s future, where good mental health is valued, promoted and understood as a whole of community responsibility, and people with mental illness and their families and carers are supported to live full and rewarding lives.

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed at its August 2011 meeting that all jurisdictions would work together to develop the Roadmap for consideration by COAG.

The Australian Government is now seeking views on a draft Roadmap that has been developed with states and territories, with input from mental health experts including mental health consumers and carers.

The draft Roadmap is now available online here (PDF).

The Government says it is also important to understand that unlike the Budget, the Roadmap is not a funding plan – its ten year scope means it is not possible to predict all details in advance.

Instead, it says the Roadmap is intended to provide a single set of directions for long-term national mental health reform to guide future action and investment by governments, the community sector, workplaces and communities themselves. It will over-arch specific national and jurisdictional plans, such as the Fourth National Mental Health Plan.

Survey responses will be collected from 16 January 2012 until 7pm AEDST on 1 February 2012. Responses to the survey will inform the final drafting phase for the Roadmap prior to its consideration by COAG.

The survey can be found at

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One comment

  • Staff Reporter says:

    If you want people with (mental i)unwe-llness and their families and carers to feel and be supported to live full and rewarding lives, you will first need to take away forced incarceration, forced poisoning, forced injections, forced isolation, forced sick seeing nasty name calling diagnosis, forced electrocutions(in Victoria,) and then whilst they do that, stop keeping the families and carers their loved ones, from even being able to see the person who really needs them at this horrible time, that their doing it to, their loved one. Untill that happens it wont matter what the plan is, because it wont be "our" plan for us, regardless of what they claim, it will be "their" plan for them.


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