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Tag : Productivity Commission

Sector Slams Social Housing Spending at All Levels of Government

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 23rd January 2019 -  Victoria spends less than any other state in Australia on social housing, new research shows, with the community housing sector labelling the figures a “damning insight” into years

Questions Raised Over Mental Health Inquiry

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 8th October 2018 -  The Productivity Commission’s inquiry into the economic effects of mental health has been welcomed by the sector, but a peak mental health body is encouraging the government to look

Competition Failing to Deliver in Human Services, Report Says

Luke Michael, Thursday, 13th September 2018 -  The government has overestimated the benefits of increased competition in human services, which is largely failing to deliver better outcomes for people, a new report says. Researchers

Change of Thinking Needed to Break Cycle of Disadvantage

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 31st August 2018 -  A charity group is calling for politicians to stop putting entrenched disadvantage in the “too hard basket”, after a report revealed the number of people living below the poverty


The Inequality at the Heart of Our Politics

David Crosbie, Thursday, 30th August 2018 -  If we are to reduce the level of entrenched disadvantage in Australia, we need to change priorities within government, and confront the fundamental inequality that places the voices


Australia Needs Lasting Consensus on NDIS Funding

Bruce Bonyhady, Friday, 4th May 2018 -  People with disability, their families, carers and advocates deserve the certainty of a National Disability Insurance Scheme which is sustainable, writes Bruce Bonyhady. Australia

Productivity Commission Calls to Put People ‘At the Heart’ of Human Services

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 27th March 2018 -  A new Productivity Commission report has made a number of recommendations for reform in human services, hoping to put people “at the heart of service provision”. The Productivity

The Issue of Equity in the Market

Gemma Carey, Tuesday, 6th March 2018 -  Markets are all well and good, but with the NDIS, we have to be careful that we don’t sacrifice equity in the name of efficiency, writes Associate Professor Gemma Carey. Market approaches

Productivity Commission Report Identifies Information to Mitigate NDIS Risks

Alison Blake, Tuesday, 31st October 2017 -  The recent Productivity Commission Report on NDIS Costs brings into question whether government policy and its culture around information sharing needs an overhaul, writes Alison


Shifting the Dial: From Profits and Process to Community Building

David Crosbie, Thursday, 26th October 2017 -  The Productivity Commission report Shifting the Dial released this week challenges national policy makers and undermines the positions of some of the most powerful vested interests
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