Victoria George, Friday, 27th October 2017 - The last generation saw a significant shift towards equality for women in the Australian workplace, but they remain underrepresented in senior roles, earn less and don’t have as …
Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 18th October 2017 -
A $5.5 million philanthropic donation towards genetic testing for blood cancer patients has been described as advancing Australia’s global leadership in the emerging field of…
Wendy Williams, Thursday, 17th August 2017 - Social sector leaders in Australia are being called on to speak out about the ability of their organisations to advocate on matters of public interest, as part of a nationwide survey…
Rachel McFadden, Monday, 7th August 2017 - One of Australia’s leading charities and a leading university have teamed up to deliver a unique international model designed to improve health and wellbeing in Aboriginals…
Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 28th June 2017 - A world-first centre led by the University of Melbourne will address the health and wellbeing of working-age Australians with disabilities.The Centre of Research Excellence in…
Wendy Williams, Thursday, 25th May 2017 - The National Disability Insurance Scheme is not living up to expectations and may even be exacerbating the inequities it was designed to solve, according to a new report.Choice, …
Lina Caneva, Thursday, 23rd March 2017 -
The cost of a “hidden mental health workforce” is more than the cost of all mental health services in Australia, according to new research.
A new study has for the first time placed a…
Lina Caneva, Thursday, 16th March 2017 - It’s cheaper to provide last-resort housing to homeless people than to leave them sleeping rough, a landmark Australian report has found.
Each bed provided by governments provides…
Wendy Williams, Thursday, 16th February 2017 - The five “best and brightest” early career researchers in Australia have been given a multi-million dollar boost to undertake groundbreaking research.The Westpac Bicentennial…
Wendy Williams, Monday, 16th January 2017 - Australian employers are failing to support and engage older workers which is costing them, according to a new study.Researchers at the University of South Australia and the University…
Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 13th December 2016 -
The Ian Potter Foundation has donated $4 million to the development of University of Melbourne’s new home for the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music (MCM) at its Southbank campus.…
Wendy Williams, Monday, 17th October 2016 - A new $160 million leadership program has been launched to tackle social inequality and support a new generation of leaders over the next two decades. The Atlantic Fellows for Social…