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Tag : Campaign

Milkshakes and mistakes: How to avoid a cringey campaign

Richenda Vermeulen, Wednesday, 28th April 2021 -  Richenda Vermeulen shares her thoughts on the now infamous milkshake video and how government departments – and not for profits – could approach a sensitive campaign like this in

What role does media play when advocating to government?

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 12th April 2021 -  Neil Pharaoh looks at how NFPs can work with the media to achieve an outcome, and shares four problems that need to be kept front of mind. The fourth estate, or fourth power, refers to

Giving Tuesday campaign aims to ease COVID-19 pain

Matthew Schulz, Thursday, 5th November 2020 -  With hundreds of groups signed on for this year, organisers hope the event will help reboot a sector that has been stymied by the pandemic’s movement restrictions, writes Our Community

The role of data in social change campaigns

Natasha Sharma, Monday, 2nd November 2020 -  There can be a lot of anxiety about data these days, but it’s actually really important – it can tell a story and ultimately be harnessed to create inclusion and drive change, write Natasha

Will 2021 be the year of business astroturfing?

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 7th September 2020 -  Neil Pharaoh looks at why the social purpose sector needs to be aware of astroturfing and shares advice on how to spot it and how best to manage it. Astroturfing is the practice of masking

How Australian not for profits can outperform the big guns

Richenda Vermeulen, Tuesday, 22nd October 2019 -  The best marketing campaign in Australia, this year, was for a cause, writes Richenda Vermeulen, founder and CEO of ntegrity, as she shares two pieces of advice on effective, cause-based

How Australian NGOs can embrace crowdfunding to boost donation efforts

Contributor, Tuesday, 1st October 2019 -  In light of the recent Global NGO Technology report, GoFundMe regional manager Nicola Britton shares her learnings on how to make your crowdfunding campaign a success. This year’s

The five Cs of a successful crowdfunding campaign

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 27th August 2019 -  In the last few years crowdfunding platforms have raised billions of dollars worldwide, so it’s no surprise that social enterprises, not for profits and changemakers are turning

Period Emoji Win for Women’s Rights Charity

Maggie Coggan, Saturday, 9th February 2019 -  A period emoji is set to hit smartphone keyboards, following a successful campaign from an international women’s charity to break down the silence and stigma surrounding periods.

Crowdfunding – a Solution or a Problem?

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 20th December 2018 -  Crowdfunding can be a great way for charities to raise funds for a worthy cause but a badly communicated and delivered campaign can be problematic, writes HLB Mann Judd. Competition

Awkward Moments in the Spotlight

Estelle Stathoulis, Friday, 25th May 2018 -  American sports commentator Jason Benetti lends his voice for this tongue-in-cheek cartoon series, that illustrates a number of everyday occurrences for people with disability

GetUp Vows To Fights Attacks on Independence

Wendy Williams, Friday, 8th December 2017 -  Lobby group GetUp has said it will “vigorously fight off any attacks on its independence” in the wake of the federal government’s foreign donations bill. On Tuesday Prime Minister
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