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Tag : Human services

How do boards and executive teams promote human rights, quality and safeguarding?

Alan Hough, Tuesday, 4th August 2020 -  Alan Hough from Purpose at Work suggests they follow these seven steps. In last week’s article, I talked about the increasing expectations on boards and executive teams for promoting

Predictions for 2020: Community services

Doug Taylor, Tuesday, 18th February 2020 -  A report released in the latter part of last year could lead to a tipping point of sorts for the not-for-profit sector in 2020, as the implications of this start to play out and we ask questions

Market, what market? Why bottom up innovation is so rare in human services

Nicholas Gruen, Tuesday, 23rd July 2019 -  There is a huge catch 22 driving impact measurement in human services. A lot of the evaluation is done because governments seek it, but then it goes nowhere – and for good reason. NGOs


Is the Health and Human Services Sector a House of Cards?

Joe Short, Wednesday, 13th March 2019 -  Government agencies are increasingly procuring services from the same providers and this is creating risk across sectors. The health and human services sector is now delicately

Competition Failing to Deliver in Human Services, Report Says

Luke Michael, Thursday, 13th September 2018 -  The government has overestimated the benefits of increased competition in human services, which is largely failing to deliver better outcomes for people, a new report says. Researchers

Productivity Commission Calls to Put People ‘At the Heart’ of Human Services

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 27th March 2018 -  A new Productivity Commission report has made a number of recommendations for reform in human services, hoping to put people “at the heart of service provision”. The Productivity

Sector Says Human Service Provision Needs Overhaul to Empower the Consumer

Rachel McFadden, Tuesday, 18th July 2017 -  A peak body for the community sector is calling for a “complete” overhaul of human services provision. In its submission on the “game-changing” draft report from the Productivity

Game Changing Report for Human Service Provision

Wendy Williams, Friday, 2nd June 2017 -  Recommendations made by the Productivity Commission into human services provision could prove to be a “game changer” according to the social sector. The Productivity Commission…

Report Points to Six Areas of Competition Reform for Human Services

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 22nd September 2016 -  Greater competition, contestability and informed user choice could improve outcomes in many, but not all, Australia human services, according to a preliminary report by the Productivity

Welfare Peak Concerned Competition Reform Will Impact Disadvantaged

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 11th August 2016 -  The Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) is concerned that competition reform in the human services sector will impact people experiencing poverty and inequality, as
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