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Tag : Innovation

How philanthropy can drive innovation

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 15th March 2023 -  Giving to start-ups could help Australia meet its philanthropic giving target. The worlds of philanthropy and start-ups may seem far apart, but they are in fact intrinsically linked.

South Australian community housing trialling solar to reduce tenant bills 

Samantha Freestone, Monday, 22nd August 2022 -  45 community housing units are now being powered with solar energy in South Australia thanks to a new pilot rolled out by Community Housing Limited (CHL) and 369 Labs, with plans for

Digital maturity essentials: Research-driven strategies to expand your organisation’s digital toolkit

Contributor, Tuesday, 19th July 2022 -  Blackbaud Pacific examines the results of its survey of digital innovation and maturity across the for-purpose sector. Blackbaud Pacific recently surveyed not for profits and…

Crypto’s the word – lessons from one charity’s journey into cyber donations

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 6th June 2022 -  Médecins Sans Frontières trialled accepting donations in cryptocurrency and reported back on the results at the FIA Conference 2022 in Sydney. It seems everywhere you go these days,

Keynotes get crowd revved up at Connecting Up

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 16th May 2022 -  From the state of the sector post-COVID, to a new perspective on marketing and the future of philanthropy, day two of the Connecting Up conference was full of valuable nuggets of information

Celebrating the best in NFP technology innovation

Danielle Kutchel, Friday, 13th May 2022 -  The winners in the Australian Not-for-Profit Technology Awards were announced at a gala dinner on Thursday. Not for profit and technology superstars have had their achievements

NFPs must undergo their own change to meet society’s challenges

Doug Taylor, Monday, 2nd May 2022 -  As society’s needs evolve so must the vision of not for profits, argues Doug Taylor in the third in a four-part series written to coincide with The Smith Family’s centenary. My lived

Celebrating the 2022 Impact 25 Judges Choice Award winners

Jonathan Alley, Monday, 11th April 2022 -  Pro Bono Australia held its annual Impact 25 event on 7 April.  Three outstanding performers in the social sector were selected as Judges’ Choice winners. Pro Bono Australia held

Getting new ideas up – The three pillars

Mike Davis, Tuesday, 14th December 2021 -  Mike Davis shares three pillars that can make the difference in getting your ideas or agendas progressed. Whether you are working in the not-for-profit sector or not, there are a range

The NDIS National Workforce Plan – We need a broader understanding of workplace innovation

Contributor, Thursday, 29th July 2021 -  The new workforce plan emphasises the importance of innovation. But is the government’s conception of innovation ambitious enough in the workforce context, and will its recommended

The robots are coming (to support people with disability into work)

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 1st July 2021 -  “From our perspective, we are able to provide much more meaningful work for people with disability because of robots” While many fear that robots and AI technology will one day replace

Ask Annie launches to give helping hand to dementia carers

Contributor, Wednesday, 23rd June 2021 -  The mobile app is designed to build the skills of home carers looking after people with dementia  Unlike those working in a hospital or an aged care centre, community and home support
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