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Tag : National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness

Govt Delivers Funds for Frontline Homelessness Services

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 8th August 2017 -  The federal government has delivered $117.2 million in funding to support front-line services addressing homelessness. Around 85,000 people, particularly women and children

Turnbull Government Extends Funding for Homelessness Services

Ellie Cooper, Friday, 9th December 2016 -  Community organisations welcomed the Turnbull government’s 12-month extension of the $117 million homelessness partnership, but said there was still a long way to go. In a joint

Organisations Unite to Save Vital Homelessness Services

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 6th December 2016 -  Hundreds of welfare organisations have united to call on the prime minister to avert a “human, economic and policy disaster” by saving key homelessness programs which are being threatened

NFPs Take Fight for Homelessness Funding to Canberra

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 10th November 2016 -  A delegation of housing and homelessness not for profits delivered a petition from 40,000 Australians to the federal government, calling for urgent action to avoid the looming funding

NFP Calls For More ‘Housing First’

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 8th November 2016 -  Mission Australia is calling for wider use of the housing first model, which has been demonstrated “time and time again” to successfully tackle homelessness. The housing first approach

QLD Last State to Sign Up for National Homelessness Partnership

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd November 2015 -  Queensland is the last state or territory to sign onto the joint Commonwealth project plan under the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness. Queensland’s 180 homelessness…

Homelessness Agreement Finalised

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th July 2014 -  All Australian States and Territories have now signed on to the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness to continue funding for the next 12 months, according to the Federal…

Feds Urge Homelessness Agreement Sign On

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 8th July 2014 -  The Federal Government is urging South Australia and Tasmania to sign the 2014-15 National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH). Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews…

Vic Signs off on National Homelessness Agreement

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th June 2014 -  The Victorian Government has formalised the funding agreement for National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness with the Federal Government for the next 12 months only. Victorian…

Govt Announces Stopgap Arrangement for Homelessness

Staff Reporter, Sunday, 30th March 2014 -  The Federal Government has announced stopgap arrangements for funding for service delivery under the National partnership agreement on homelessness for the next 12 months. The…

Domestic Violence Services at Risk

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th March 2014 -  Social service organisations have warned of the the potential shutdown of domestic violence services and other programs due to uncertainty surrounding the State and Federal Governments’…

Welfare Increases Still Too Low – ACOSS

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th March 2014 -  Australia’s peak body for community services and the welfare sector has expressed concerns over the small rise to income support payments, such as Newstart and Parenting…
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