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Tag : Fundraising

Fundraising by the Generations – New Study

Staff Reporter, Monday, 22nd March 2010 -  A landmark research study into the charitable giving behaviours and attitudes of Gen Y, Gen X, Boomer and Mature donors from Convio, Edge Research and Sea Change Strategies calls…

Trust Influences People to Donate

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 4th February 2010 -  Three quarters (75%) of people say that trust in the charity and/or sector influences their decision to give, according to an online survey of more than 1,100 adults across Great Britain.…

Diabetes Australia Strengthens Its Fundraising Procedures after “Ferguson” Incident

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th September 2009 -  Diabetes Australia says it will review its fundraising procedures after it was revealed in NSW that a convicted paedophile, Dennis Ferguson was found selling its Buzz Day fundraising…

FIA Closes Melbourne Office

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th June 2009 -  The Fundraising Institute of Australia (FIA) is to close its Melbourne office in a bid to cut costs. FIA Chairman Lesley Ray says the FIA is working hard in these difficult times to produce…

Online Fundraising Strong Despite Economy

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th June 2009 -  A Benchmark study of leading Not for Profit organisations in the US shows that online fundraising grew by 26% in 2008 but the average gift size has decreased by 21%. The 2009 eNonprofit…

Fundraising Forum Promises Unique Insight to Raise More Funds – Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th May 2009 -  Bringing together speakers from some of Australasia’s leading and most innovative charities, the 2009 Australasian Fundraising Forum promises to provide delegates with…

AbaF Funding Milestone

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th May 2009 -  The Australian Business Arts Foundation (AbaF) has passed the $5 million dollar mark in donations received for the arts, with the money paid out in full to artists in the form of grants.…

The Downturn and US Fundraising in 2008

Staff Reporter, Monday, 27th April 2009 -  2008 was a disappointing year in direct marketing for many US Not for Profits, according to the latest study from Blackbaund’s Target Analytics survey. Over 60% of the organizations…

Managing the Downturn

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th April 2009 -  Extensive research is about to be carried out into the effect of the current economic climate on the Third Sector in Australia. PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Fundraising Institute…

“The Giving Business” Report – Payroll Giving in Australia

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 9th April 2009 -  If just 10% of working Australians donated $5 per week through their pay an additional $260 million would be generated each year for the community
according to the first comprehensive…

Online Growth Despite Economic Downturn

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th March 2009 -  A new Benchmark Study by Convio indicates online growth despite the economic downturn. Despite the chaos of the last several months, the Convio Online Marketing Nonprofit Benchmark…

Financial Crisis – A 5 Year battle for NFPs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th March 2009 -  Australian Not for Profits face a five year battle with diminishing funds according to a dire warning delivered to participants at the Nonprofit Financial Forum in Melbourne last…
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