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Getting Your Message Across - Media Training

22 September 2008 at 2:58 pm
Staff Reporter
Earlier in the year we asked you to let us know the media and presentation skills you are looking to develop - we want to thank you for your overwhelming response!*

Staff Reporter | 22 September 2008 at 2:58 pm


Getting Your Message Across - Media Training
22 September 2008 at 2:58 pm

Earlier in the year we asked you to let us know the media and presentation skills you are looking to develop – we want to thank you for your overwhelming response!*

Guided by your feedback, this year we have extended our Media Training into a two-day workshop, which will provide you with the opportunity to develop and hone how you get your message across. The workshops will cover new and emerging issues, such as managing your website for the media, as well providing practical experience in writing, preparing key messages and communication tools.

With expert trainers Lina Caneva and Irene Lau, this media training workshop series will give you all the tools and knowledge you will need to make every media encounter a win-win situation.

Melbourne 22nd & 23rd October
Sydney 30th & 31st October

The workshop is over 2 days, with the option to attend one or both days.
Two days $595
Single day $395

Discounts are available for multiple staff from the same organisation.

Please download the brochure and booking form for more information, or contact 03 8080 5650.

*The free registration, which may well have been the reason for the strong response, went to the Samuel Morris Foundation. Thank you again to everyone, we hope to see you at the workshops.


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