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United Way - Supporting Corporate Partners

29 September 2005 at 1:09 pm
Staff Reporter
United Way says sustainability is the key hurdle facing all organisations involved in community activity.

Staff Reporter | 29 September 2005 at 1:09 pm


United Way - Supporting Corporate Partners
29 September 2005 at 1:09 pm

United Way says sustainability is the key hurdle facing all organisations involved in community activity.

United Way Sydney CEO, Bill Downing told a recent business breakfast briefing that most people and firms that take part in projects remain very committed – but circumstances can change over time and some fresh ideas and motivation might be appreciated.

Downing says that over breakfast United Way offers some ideas on how to re-ignite a particular program, or – in the case of potential new partners – talk about getting started.

He says the gatherings share experiences and practical methods of taking volunteer corporate involvement to where it really counts in the community.

He says assisting corporate champions achieve great outcomes through their organisation’s involvement in community programs is a vital part of United Way’s work.

In support of these champions, United Way hosts Breakfast Briefings in the Sydney CBD every quarter.

These forums are a chance to share ideas and discuss best practice in program management and community impact, but also provide an opportunity for companies much ‘younger’ in their development to learn and hear how others have undertaken the task.

Law firm Freehills host the most recent Breakfast Briefing at their offices at the MLC Centre.

Tags : Sustainability,


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