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New Directory for Seniors

10 January 2005 at 12:01 pm
Staff Reporter
Need advice on pension and superannuation entitlements or mature age worker incentive payments or support for veterans and war widows? A new Government Directory can help.

Staff Reporter | 10 January 2005 at 12:01 pm


New Directory for Seniors
10 January 2005 at 12:01 pm

Need advice on pension and superannuation entitlements or mature age worker incentive payments or support for veterans and war widows? A new Government Directory can help.

The Australian Government Directory of Services for Older People 2004-05 lets you know what help is available, and how to get it – all in one place.

Launched in West Perth in December by the Federal Minister for Ageing, Julie Bishop, the updated directory provides information for older Australians, their families, carers and others who have an interest in seniors, such as doctors, Aged Care Assessment Teams and community organisations.

The directory helps older people find out about government programs and services without a time-consuming and exhausting trawl through phone directories and government departments.

The Government says the directory reflects its whole of government approach to population ageing, and delivering support to older Australians when and where they need it.

The directory covers programs and services from all Australian Government departments, including information on finding and keeping work, health issues, home and residential care, legal rights, financial advice and programs for people with special needs.

Copies of the directory are being distributed to more than 10,000 organisations where older Australians go for information and assistance, including public and private hospitals, GPs, aged care homes and Commonwealth Carelink Centres.

Hard copies can be requested by phoning (02) 6269 1000.

If you would like an electronic version in PDF format just send us an email with the words “Directory for Seniors” in the subject line to

Tags : government,


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