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DonorPhone' Raises Millions in the US!

19 March 2001 at 12:03 pm
Staff Reporter
An American charity support services company called eCharity has launched a new fundraising tool that ignores the new technologies of the Internet and goes back to the old fashioned telephone.

Staff Reporter | 19 March 2001 at 12:03 pm


DonorPhone' Raises Millions in the US!
19 March 2001 at 12:03 pm

An American charity support services company called eCharity has launched a new fundraising tool that ignores the new technologies of the Internet and goes back to the old fashioned telephone.

Called DonorPhone, it allows people to donate a portion of their telephone bill to charity with every call.

eCharity’s media release says the service offers donors low calling rates and allows 10% of all long distance charges to be donated to the charity of the donor’s choice.

The CEO of eCharity, Ian Hughes says he’s designed DonorPhone to be the most generous telephone ‘giving’ program ever created, having already signed Not for Profits with over three million donors to the program.

Hughes unashamedly estimates that these Not for Profits alone could generate in excess of $US5 million a year in new contributions.

He goes on to say that some of eCharity’s larger customers are looking at generating nearly a million dollars a year through the program.

eCharity has its headquarters in Hartford, Connecticut. Obviously the extensive range of private telephone companies in the US allows this fundraising invention to operate. Memo to Telstra and Optus……

Check out the American web site at

Tags : Fundraising,


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