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Politicians Beware!

14 August 2000 at 1:08 pm
Staff Reporter
If you have ever despaired over trying to contact your local Member of Parliament or a Minister or any politician, then you will appreciate the efforts of one enterprising Canadian who has solved the problem…

Staff Reporter | 14 August 2000 at 1:08 pm


Politicians Beware!
14 August 2000 at 1:08 pm

If you have ever despaired over trying to contact your local Member of Parliament or a Minister or any politician, then you will appreciate the efforts of one enterprising Canadian who has solved the problem for all of us!

Donald Vermithrax has produced an Internet site called Politicians of the World. It’s an Address Directory of Monarchs, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Provincial Governors, and Ministers from 196 Countries including Australia!

The Directory includes mailing addresses, phone, fax, and e-mail and web site details where available.

The author told Pro Bono he often wrote ‘piece-of-my-mind’ letters and noticed the absence of readily available address information for these office holders.

‘I figured there’s quite a number of people out there who could make good use of this stuff.

‘My philosophy is that with accessibility will come accountability …in some measure at least. So I set about doing the research.’

‘It’s a big busy world out there, but I try to keep it up to date.’

He says he feels sure that many Australian Not for Profits will make good use of the Address Directory.

Thanks Donald. Check out his site (with a name that bears no resemblance to the topic) at (The squiggle is the first key on the top left hand of the keyboard).


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