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Andrew Cairns is the CEO of Haven Home Safe, a homelessness organisation that specialises in social and affordable housing solutions. Prior to joining Haven, he held several senior management roles including more than 19 years with the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Group and almost five years as CEO of Community Sector Banking.


When it comes to violence against women, doing nothing does harm


Andrew Cairns, Monday, 26th July 2021 -  Every man has a role to play in changing the unequal power relations, cultural norms, and social structures that excuse violence against women, writes Andrew Cairns.

Only through inclusion can you make the most out of workforce diversity


Andrew Cairns, Monday, 5th July 2021 -  Whatever your strategic approach or wherever you are on your journey, getting diversity and inclusion right in the workplace is well worth the commitment of time and resources, writes Andrew Cairns.

Men need to do more to advance gender equality and equity


Andrew Cairns, Friday, 11th June 2021 -  When it comes to improving and promoting gender equity and equality at work, there is still a gap between what men say they believe and what they do, writes Andrew Cairns.

Reconciliation Week is everybody’s business


Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 27th May 2021 -  Organisations must think beyond cultural competence as a compliance exercise and more of a moral obligation, writes Haven Home Safe CEO Andrew Cairns, reflecting on the need to make the mainstream housing and homelessness system culturally safe.

Supporting not for profits to build capacity for impact

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 23rd July 2020 -  Community Sector Banking is giving $300,000 to not for profits to use for capacity building plus in-kind strategic impact grants, writes CEO Andrew Cairns, who argues organisations can have even greater impact when they build capacity.

Aged care in Australia

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 25th June 2020 -  There is an enormous demand for aged care services in rural and remote areas, but the market is failing. It is up to our communities and civil society to work together on the solutions, writes Community Sector Banking CEO Andrew Cairns.

COVID-19 and the impacts on mental health

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 28th May 2020 -  With the pandemic bringing significant mental health challenges, it is important we support each other and remember we are in this together, writes Community Sector Banking CEO Andrew Cairns.

Supporting not for profits during the COVID-19 pandemic

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 16th April 2020 -  Andrew Cairns, CEO of Community Sector Banking, looks at the variety of measures that have been announced to support not-for-profit organisations.

Why businesses need a cultural overhaul for gender equality in the workplace

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 2nd April 2020 -  For too long, women have been blamed for inequality. It’s up to businesses to look within themselves and weed out systemic structural inequality, writes Andrew Cairns.

‘It’s our national shame’

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 13th February 2020 -  Addressing domestic violence in our communities must be a national priority, writes Andrew Cairns, CEO of Community Sector Banking.

Bridging the education gap: Why Australia is failing Indigenous Australians

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 23rd January 2020 -  Nobody in Australia knows why we are failing to close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous education like Indigenous Australians themselves, but their voices are still missing from the picture, writes Andrew Cairns, CEO of Community Sector Banking.

Drought assistance not a sufficient prescription for rural mental health

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 14th November 2019 -  One-off measures that only address financial implications will hardly be a long-term solution for the growing intensity and range of challenges facing rural communities, writes Andrew Cairns.
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