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Deborah Wilson is the Head of Careers, Leadership & Consulting at OnTalent where she specialises in guiding C-suite executives through complex environments.


How do I find my work tribe?

Deborah Wilson, Friday, 14th June 2024 -  As social beings, all of us feel the need to belong. Even if we are not aware of this consciously, the desire to belong is part of being human. Some people may immediately think of their family and friends when they think of the word ‘tribe’. Writes Deborah Wilson of On Talent recruitment.

It’s all about your strengths

Deborah Wilson, Friday, 24th May 2024 -  One of the most challenging things to do as a leader can be to motivate people. We all want our people to perform at their best and in my experience, doing so does not usually begin with highlighting people’s apparent weaknesses.

What contributes most to a positive workplace culture?

Deborah Wilson, Friday, 10th May 2024 -  At OnTalent, we are always interested in better understanding people’s thoughts on the role of leadership in shaping and maintaining a positive workplace culture. Recently, we ran a poll on LinkedIn that looked like this:
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