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Kevin Robbie is the managing director at Think Impact with over 25 years’ experience working in the for-purpose sector. He leads Think Impact’s work in impact-led design, assisting government, philanthropy and for-purpose organisations to design better services or approaches. He has extensive experience in strategic philanthropy with over a decade working with philanthropic foundations in Australia.


Improving your social impact reporting

Kevin Robbie, Monday, 29th May 2023 -  For-purpose organisations exist to create impact or social value. Mainly they are creating social value for people. Yet the uptake of reporting on impact or social value can be described as patchy at best. It lags behind best practice in the business sector. What can be done by for-purpose organisations to improve their social impact reporting? This article outlines different layers to social impa

Think Strategy: Think Impact

Kevin Robbie, Thursday, 20th April 2023 -  There’s a new tool in the strategy toolbox for for-purpose organisations. Impact-led design (ILD) unlocks a different way to develop your strategy that supports agility and nimbleness as we move into an external environment.

Think service design: Think Impact

Kevin Robbie, Wednesday, 29th March 2023 -  When thinking about service design it is important to think about impact. Whether you are designing a new service or improving an existing one, the impact on the end beneficiaries needs to be top of mind.

Think Fundraising: Think Impact 

Kevin Robbie, Wednesday, 26th October 2022 -  The world of fundraising is undergoing a seismic shift, but is anyone noticing or are they too busy  dealing with the fires? What does the future hold for the fundraising industry? 

Think social enterprise: Think Impact

Kevin Robbie, Monday, 19th September 2022 -  Social enterprise is gaining increasing profile and has the potential to influence the policy agenda more significantly in the next few years. But to do this effectively the sector needs to address one missing piece of the jigsaw re influencing the policy agenda – what is it?

Five characteristics of good impact reporting


Kevin Robbie, Tuesday, 30th March 2021 -  Impact reporting is becoming more mainstream. For-purpose organisations should be driving this trend, not only through measuring their impact but by communicating it with all key stakeholders. But do we really know what a good impact report looks like, asks Kevin Robbie.

Think Merger: Think Impact


Kevin Robbie, Wednesday, 9th August 2017 -  The key driver of any strategic discussion about mergers in the not-for-profit sector should be whether it improves the outcomes and impact for the clients that your organisation is there to support or serve, writes Kevin Robbie,director of Think Impact.

Innovation in Unemployment: Are We Setting Ourselves Up for Failure?


Kevin Robbie, Friday, 10th February 2017 -  To truly foster innovation in unemployment we must understand what works already and ensure all three barriers underlying the issue are addressed, writes United Way Australia CEO Kevin Robbie.

Working Differently to Foster Culture of Innovation


Kevin Robbie, Thursday, 17th March 2016 -  Ending “developmental vulnerability” for children is everyone’s business, but how do we build effective collaboration to tackle this, asks Kevin Robbie CEO of United Way Australia.

From Struggle Street to Shining Light – Does Mt Druitt have the Answers?


Kevin Robbie, Thursday, 28th January 2016 -  If the charity and government sectors are serious about ending community disadvantage in Australia we need to “move from being competitors to collaborators”, writes Kevin Robbie, CEO of United Way Australia.

‘Merge or Shut Down’: Moving Beyond Debate To Real Change


Kevin Robbie, Tuesday, 17th November 2015 -  The recent call for charities to merge or shut down by David Crosbie, CEO of the Community Council for Australia, has come at a tipping point for the Not for Profit sector, writes Kevin Robbie, CEO of United Way Australia.
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