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Luke Michael is a journalist at Pro Bono News covering the social sector.


Tackling the Complex Barriers to Gender Equality in Asia-Pacific


Luke Michael, Monday, 20th November 2017 -  Joanna Hayter is stepping down as CEO of the International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA) this week, after seven years in the role. She is this week’s Changemaker.

Gender Pay Gap Sees Women Earning $26,000 Less a Year


Luke Michael, Friday, 17th November 2017 -  New data shows that the gender pay gap in Australia is trending down, but women on average still earn more than $26,000 a year less than men, and hold just 16.5 per cent of CEO roles.         

Choosing the Right Job Title Vital for NFP Recruitment


Luke Michael, Thursday, 16th November 2017 -  Choosing the right job title is “very important” for not-for-profit organisations to attract the right candidates to a position, according to a leading not-for-profit recruitment agency.

Australia Votes Overwhelmingly Yes for Same Sex Marriage


Luke Michael, Wednesday, 15th November 2017 -  Australians have voted overwhelmingly in favour of same sex marriage with the yes vote winning more than 60 per cent of votes.

Calls For Volunteering to Be Embedded in All Schools


Luke Michael, Wednesday, 15th November 2017 -  Volunteering can improve educational outcomes for young people and should be embedded in the Australian curriculum, according to an educational review submission from the nation’s peak volunteering body.

Project Looks to Boost Renewable Energy Use at NFPs


Luke Michael, Tuesday, 14th November 2017 -  A new program is set to be launched in Melbourne, which will enable not-for-profit organisations to install and benefit from renewable energy systems.

New Same-Sex Marriage Bill Looks to Protect Faith-Based Charities


Luke Michael, Monday, 13th November 2017 -  The draft of a conservative marriage equality bill has been released, offering stronger religious freedom protections for faith-based charities - but critics say the bill, which would amend the Charities Act 2013, would allow religious charities to discriminate against LGBTI people.

CEO Marks 20 Years Providing Support for Unmet Community Need


Luke Michael, Monday, 13th November 2017 -  Geoff Batkin recently celebrated 20 years at the helm of Wesley Mission Queensland, one of the state’s largest not for profits. He is this week’s Changemaker.

UN Slams Australia For Marriage Postal Survey and Refugee Treatment


Luke Michael, Friday, 10th November 2017 -  The United Nations Human Rights Committee has slammed the Australian government for the same-sex marriage postal survey and its treatment of asylum seekers – just weeks after Australia was elected to the UN’s Human Rights Council.   

Health Care and Social Assistance Industry Driving Employment Growth


Luke Michael, Thursday, 9th November 2017 -  The health care and social assistance industry has been the strongest contributor to employment growth across Australia in recent years, according to an analysis of recently released 2016 Census employment figures.

Job Creation Facilitated Through Social Enterprise Procurement


Luke Michael, Thursday, 9th November 2017 -  Australia’s leading social enterprise development organisation is set to embark on a new strategic direction, with the aim of creating 1,500 jobs for disadvantaged Australians over the next four years.

Government Called to Remedy “Abysmally Low” Welfare Payments


Luke Michael, Thursday, 9th November 2017 -  Prominent Jesuit priest and human rights lawyer, Father Frank Brennan, has called on Australia’s political leaders to remedy “abysmally low” Newstart and Youth Allowance payments, which he said have set the nation on a path of growing inequality.
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