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Nevena Spirovska is an LGBTIQA+ activist, campaigner and proud community volunteer. She has dedicated herself to the for-purpose sector and has been highly engaged with grassroots movements and campaigns supporting LGBTIQA+ equality, human rights, and addressing the drivers of structural disadvantage. Twitter: @NevenaSpirovska


Playing ball


Nevena Spirovska, Monday, 20th February 2023 -  Some sporting clubs are showing how working with community can result in more effective inclusivity for LGBITQ+ players.

Parties with purpose and why Pride is as important as ever


Nevena Spirovska, Monday, 23rd January 2023 -  As Midsumma Festival kicks off in Victoria, Nevena Spirovska reflects on the important part that parties play in the Pride movement.

How FIFA managed to perfectly embody 2022


Nevena Spirovska, Wednesday, 11th January 2023 -  Pro Bono columnist Nevena Spirovska looks back on 2022, and ahead to 2023. 

Leading with respect this holiday season

Into the rainbow

Nevena Spirovska, Monday, 12th December 2022 -  There are some small, but meaningful, ways you can make your LGBTIQA+ friends and family feel more comfortable at the end-of-year parties, writes Nevena Spirovska.

Transgender Awareness Week: When actions speak louder than words


Nevena Spirovska, Monday, 7th November 2022 -  Nevena Spirovska asks what the for-purpose sector can do to promote the inclusion, affirmation, and celebration of trans and gender diverse people.

Leadership lesson


Nevena Spirovska, Monday, 10th October 2022 -  Within the drama around the appointment and resignation of Andrew Thorburn to Essendon Football Club’s top job is an important lesson about leadership.

The power of pride networks


Nevena Spirovska, Monday, 12th September 2022 -  Do you want to set up a Pride Network in your workplace? Nevena Spirovska explains how. 

Monkeypox in Australia: what the social sector needs to know


Nevena Spirovska, Monday, 8th August 2022 -  We can acknowledge that the majority of transmissions of monkeypox virus are within a specific community without creating or adding to stigma, writes Nevena Spirovska. 

The cost of adverse LGBTIQ+ mental health

Into the rainbow

Nevena Spirovska, Monday, 18th July 2022 -  For the first time, a cost has been placed on critically low levels of well-being among LGBTIQ+ people. Nevena Spirovska examines the key drivers and what can be done to turn the situation around.  

Worth the Risk: What can be learned from LGBTIQA+ experiences with the insurance industry

Into the rainbow

Nevena Spirovska, Tuesday, 14th June 2022 -  Nevena Spirovska shares some insights from a new report from the Victorian Pride Lobby detailing the LGBTIQA+ community's experiences with Australian insurance providers.

More than rainbows: Recognising IDAHOBIT day’s dark history

Into the rainbow

Nevena Spirovska, Monday, 9th May 2022 -  While IDAHOBIT day now has a celebratory mood, the journey toward it has been darker and more difficult than many realise, writes Nevena Spirovska. 

How will LGBTQI+ communities be treated this election?

Into the rainbow

Nevena Spirovska, Monday, 11th April 2022 -  Marriage equality created a template for sector mobilisation to advance LGBTIQA+ rights, but organisations still need to examine how they can be allies as Australia heads to the polls, writes Nevena Spirovska. 
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