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Women’s Week Grant Program

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th December 2015 -  Queensland’s inaugural Women’s Week program will include $75,000 in grants to support events and activities that celebrate the achievements of women and girls.

The Not for Profit Year That Was 2015


Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th December 2015 -  In a year of amazing change for the Not for Profit sector, the journey has led to a greater understanding of how new models can address social challenges, writes entrepreneur and strategist, George Liacos from Spark Strategy.

CEO Appointed to UK’s New Fundraising Regulator

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th December 2015 -  The former head of the Big Lottery Fund, Stephen Dunmore, has been appointed as the interim CEO of the UK’s new Fundraising Regulator.

Australian SMEs Focussed on Ending Global Food Losses


Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th December 2015 -  Two Australian SMEs are leading the way in an attempt to eliminate global food losses by developing flexible storage and tracking solutions, writes Mitchell Westra, Management Systems Advisor with Connexxion Pty Ltd.

New ‘Co-operativism’ Flagged in SA


Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th December 2015 -  Co-operatives have been in the spotlight in South Australia, as well known peer-to-peer theorist, collaborative economy proponent, and writer Michel Bauwens spoke to a group of industry professionals, policy advisers and entrepreneurs at the Flinders New Ventures Institute.

Social Enterprise Wins Impact Award

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th December 2015 -  A social enterprise that provides disengaged youth with skills and community connections as well as managing the earth’s resources has won the 2015 Impact100 Melbourne grant of $100,000.

BLOG: Burnie Works Is Working

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th December 2015 -  A Tasmanian community initiative called Burnie Works received international acclaim earlier this year as one of Australia’s most promising collective impact initiatives. Research consultant Kerry Graham and Rodney Green, from Burnie City Council take a look at how it is faring.

Corporate and Employee Giving Snapshot 2015

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th December 2015 -  US companies are demanding more evidence that their charitable resources help fuel their strategic social responsibility objectives, according to an annual snapshot of workplace giving trends and corporate employee engagement.

Caring to Dance


Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th December 2015 -  Faced with the realities of reduced government and philanthropic grants, and increased competition among Not for Profits for funding, Kumari Middleton found a sustainable solution for her dance organisation's financial challenges, writes Ellie Cooper in this week’s Spotlight on Social Enterprise.

A Christmas Invitation to Melbourne’s Homeless

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th December 2015 -  A team of young philanthropists has taken a leaf out of iconic Melbourne philanthropist Sidney Myer’s giving history and will open the doors of the Arts Centre in Melbourne to up to 1,200 homeless people to share a traditional meal on Christmas Day.

Are Homelessness Services Essential Services?


Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th December 2015 -  As the national peak body for homelessness in Australia prepares to close its doors due to federal defunding, the out-going CEO of Homelessness Australia, Glenda Stevens, asks if it is time to consider homelessness services as an essential service.
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