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Earth Share Formalises ‘Give As You Earn’

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th April 2001 -  Earth Share Australia has formalised its work place giving partnerships “Give As You Earn” in two states.

Barcoding Your Mail-Outs – Are You Prepared?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th April 2001 -  If you are a fundraiser reliant on mail-outs to keep your organisation going and to attract donations, are you prepared for changes to Australia Post’s PreSort service?

Accountants Match-up Pilot – Update

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th April 2001 -  The Victorian Skilled Volunteer Matching Pilot between Pro Bono Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia (ICAA) is going ahead in leaps and bounds.

Comment on Privacy Guidelines

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th April 2001 -  The Federal Privacy Commissioner has issued draft Code Development Guidelines for the recent amendments to the Privacy Act for public consultation.

Build Your Professional Fundraising Skills!

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th April 2001 -  Help is at hand for those of you in fundraising roles who feel your skills are not what they could be!

Ethical Standards – Our Poll Results

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th April 2001 -  Thanks to all those who took a few moments to take part in our recent instant poll on Ethical Standards and what they mean to you as a consumer.

Legal Aid Fees

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th April 2001 -  A new national fee scale for Commonwealth legal aid work is to be introduced to attract more solicitors to the work, and to help keep those already working in legal aid.

Australian Corporate Citizens ‘Lagging Behind’

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th April 2001 -  Corporate citizenship as a concept that is understood to be mostly about community activities is considered by corporate Australia to be important but there is a strong sense that Australia is lagging behind other countries.

Tax Initiatives for Charities

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th April 2001 -  The Prime Minister has announced the details of two new tax initiatives to encourage greater corporate and personal philanthropy in Australia.

Privacy Legislation – Getting Ready


Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd April 2001 -  The commencement date for the new Privacy (Private Sector) Amendment Act is just nine months away. If you haven’t begun preparing for it yet help is on the way.

Pro Bono Australia’s latest offerings

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd April 2001 -  A report from Karen Mahlab We thought it time for a behind the scenes update of the other offerings and activities that Pro Bono Australia has been working on...

The Venture Philanthropy Experience

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd April 2001 -  There are new kinds of people participating in philanthropy and Australian Not for Profits need to deal with them in new ways.
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