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Organisation: Pro Bono Australia
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FBT Threat to NFPs Disappointing

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 -  Budget speculation that the Federal Government has set its sights on changes to Fringe Benefit Tax packages is disappointing given that the Not for Profit sector has been told by Treasury that it is not interested in tax reform, says the Community Council for Australia.

Disability Pension Changes Need Consideration – Advocacy Groups

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 -  The Australian Council of Social Service and disability advocacy members say the Federal Government will be taking a backward step if changes to the Disability Support Pension simply takes money away from people in desperate situations.

Review Reveals Boards That ‘Fall Asleep at Wheel’

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 -  The latest review of complaint investigations by the Australian charity regulator reveals that some Not for Profit boards have “fallen asleep at the wheel” or engaged in wilful or deliberate wrongdoing, while Governance is an area of concern for new charities.

Doing Things Differently in the NSW Public Sector


Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 -  Enhancing public value depends on empowering public servants to have a greater capacity to manage (rather than avoid) risks, writes Peter Shergold, Chair of the NSW Public Service Commission Advisory Board.
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