Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th November 2010 -
The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) organisation is preparing the first ever report on the State of the World’s Volunteerism.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th November 2010 -
A new study in the US shows that entrepreneurs' active approach to philanthropy is personal as well as practical.
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 17th November 2010 -
Australia’s Not for Profit sector must invest in training and development of its leaders if it is to improve its performance, according to a new report by the Australian Scholarships Foundation.
Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 27th October 2010 -
Volunteerism has been placed at the centre of the Gillard Government's policy agenda and elevated to the office of the Prime Minister, the National Volunteering Conference in Melbourne has been told.
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 13th October 2010 -
The emerging Not for Profit peak body, the Community Council of Australia (CCA) has appointed high profile Not for Profit executive, David Crosbie as its new CEO.
Staff Reporter, Friday, 8th October 2010 -
The public interest law and policy organisation, Public Interest Advocacy Centre, has appointed Edward Santow as its new Chief Operating Officer.
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th September 2010 -
Judges have selected 40 finalists from over 200 nominees for the inaugural FABO Awards which aim to celebrate the people working behind the scenes in Australia’s Not for Profit sector.
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 29th September 2010 -
US Not for Profit, GuideStar's annual compensation report on CEOs shows women are losing ground in the USA.
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 29th September 2010 -
Philanthropy Australia, the peak body for philanthropic trusts and foundations, has announced Dr Deborah Seifert as its new CEO.
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 28th September 2010 -
Social Leadership Australia is offering scholarships for its award winning Sydney Leadership 2011 program.