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High Profile Professor Appointed to Lead Social Impact Centre

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st December 2009 -  Professor Ian Williamson has been selected from an international field of candidates to head the Asia-Pacific Centre for Leadership for Social Impact, at Melbourne Business School at the University of Melbourne.

Chris McMillan – People Profile

Staff Reporter, Saturday, 12th December 2009 -  Chris McMillan, Chief Executive Officer, Fundraising Institute Australia  Chris McMillan was appointed to the role of Chief Executive Officer at the Fundraising Institute Australia in late February 2009. Chris has a depth of expertise in peak

Joel Nathan – People Profile

Staff Reporter, Friday, 4th December 2009 -    Joel Nathan OAM, Founder/Executive Chairman, Life goes on Joel is the Founder and Executive Chairman of Life goes on, an organisation offering strategies and choices for the seriously ill and those who care for them.    How long have…

Gina Anderson – People Profile

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th November 2009 -   Gina Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Philanthropy Australia Gina Anderson joined Philanthropy Australia in November 2005. She has diverse experience in large and small, public and private organisations, having held general management, human resources, corporate

Jan Owen – People Profile

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th November 2009 -    Jan Owen AM, Executive Director of Social Ventures Australia Jan has been an executive director of Social Ventures Australia (SVA) since 2002. Prior to this, Jan was founder and inaugural chief executive of the CREATE

QUT’s Graduate Certificate in Business (Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies) – Sponsored Article

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th November 2009 -  Grow your most valuable asset – you.

Test Case Brings Pay Equity Closer for Community Sector Workers

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th November 2009 -  Community sector workers around the country are one step closer to higher wages following the announcement of a landmark pay equity test case in the new Fair Work system.

NFP CEO Pay Falls for First Time in Nine Years

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th November 2009 -  For the first time in nine years, average pay rates for Australian Not for Profit Chief Executive Officers fell, dropping nearly 2% on 2008 figures with some CEOs reportedly taking pay cuts to keep their organisations going in tough times.

Habitat for Humanity – New CEO

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th August 2009 -  Business executive Jo Brennan is stepping out of the corporate world of the Macquarie Group and into the Not for Profit sector as the new CEO of Habitat for Humanity Australia.

Volunteers Rush to Register In Bushfire Crisis

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th March 2009 -  More than 17,000 people rushed to register as volunteers to help in the recovery process after the Victorian bushfire crisis and managing these registrations has been remarkable in the cash-strapped volunteer sector in Australia. Here's how it unfold
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