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australian money

Fundraising efforts must continue

Katherine Raskob, Thursday, 16th January 2020 -  There are no limits to Australian generosity. While our hearts go out to those impacted by these terrible bushfires, fundraisers should not put off their appeals – we must still think about our donors and the other causes they may want to support,

The rise (and scepticism) of Facebook fundraisers

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 16th January 2020 -  Facebook fundraisers are becoming more and more popular. But how do they actually work? We take a look. 

Bushfire crisis brings out the best in Australians

Luke Michael, Friday, 10th January 2020 -  The global outpouring of generosity during Australia’s bushfire crisis has been amplified by the rise in self-generated fundraising campaigns        


hands throwing coins in piggy bank for crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding: When the government fails to act, the public wearily steps up

Contributor, Wednesday, 18th December 2019 -  GoFundMe has revealed its most successful campaigns of the year. It paints a picture where farmers are seeking relief from the drought and firefighters stretched to their limits have turned to crowdfunding for help. But public appeal shouldn't replac
Happy couple celebrating looking at a laptop,

The must do’s for 2020 grants success

Contributor, Thursday, 12th December 2019 -  As 2019 comes to a close, here are Strategic Grants’ top tips to get you grant-ready in 2020 and to have your most productive year yet! 

Collective Insights

woman standing in front of audience, speaking while they clap

How do you capture the hearts and minds of potential funders?

Contributor, Thursday, 28th November 2019 -  The Xfactor Collective specialist member Sue Vittori offers tips on how to give your organisation a winning edge in funding submissions, in the weekly Collective Insights column.
Audience at previous FIA Conference

It starts with you

Contributor, Thursday, 14th November 2019 -  The annual FIA Conference returns in February to Brisbane’s Convention and Exhibition Centre. With a line-up of sought-after speakers from not-for-profit organisations, charities, fundraising agencies and consultancies around the globe, FIA writer
board room

Report finds NFP boards lack leadership in fundraising

Contributor, Wednesday, 13th November 2019 -  Fundraising is the responsibility of every board member, experts say    

Calls for a crackdown on fake crowdfunders

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 14th October 2019 -  One of Australia’s largest crowdfunding platforms is calling for the fundraising industry to fight scams together


hands throwing coins in piggy bank for crowdfunding.

How Australian NGOs can embrace crowdfunding to boost donation efforts

Contributor, Tuesday, 1st October 2019 -  In light of the recent Global NGO Technology report, GoFundMe regional manager Nicola Britton shares her learnings on how to make your crowdfunding campaign a success.
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