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Push to bring Giving Tuesday to Australia steps up

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 18th September 2019 -  Giving Tuesday is a trend Australia is yet to jump on board with, but a campaign is out to change that, ramping up calls for charities and businesses to get involved in a bid to see annual giving levels soar.  
couple making a will

Eight things you need to know about the future of legacy giving

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 12th September 2019 -  There is huge potential for Australian legacy giving over the next 20 years, but also significant fundraising challenges ahead.
australian money

Charity leaders slam continued inaction on fundraising reform

Contributor, Friday, 30th August 2019 -  The charity sector’s hopes of achieving urgent fundraising reform have been dealt a major blow, after the issue was left off the agenda for an influential meeting between consumer affairs ministers.
hands holding coins and a piece of paper saying 'make a change'

Key fundraising lessons – How to get your vision and tactics aligned and maximise donor retention

Jo Scard, Thursday, 29th August 2019 -  Fifty Acres founder and CEO Jo Scard shares her top three fundraising tips.
Happy woman looking at her laptop.

The five Cs of a successful crowdfunding campaign

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 27th August 2019 -  In the last few years crowdfunding platforms have raised billions of dollars worldwide, so it’s no surprise that social enterprises, not for profits and changemakers are turning to crowdfunding to raise money for their initiative or cause. But what
giving gift at work

Australians’ generosity a “mixed bag”

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 20th August 2019 -  Charities need to focus on communicating with their supporters if they want more donors, a sector expert warns, in the wake of new research that found the number of taxpayers making deductible gifts has fallen continuously for nearly a decade.   
FIA course seminar.

New FIA short courses address skills gap in fundraising sector

Contributor, Thursday, 15th August 2019 -  Fundraising Institute Australia (FIA) is offering five new short courses this spring for professionals looking to broaden their skill sets as their roles evolve.


Man behind stacks of paperwork

Hoping for a bureaucratic miracle? Don’t hold your breath

David Crosbie, Thursday, 15th August 2019 -  The Consumer Affairs Forum is not a group that is likely to drive significant change in fundraising regulation across Australia, writes Community Council for Australia CEO David Crosbie.
Sue Woodward speaking at the CLAANZ conference.

Fix fundraising: ‘The horse has well and truly bolted’

Contributor, Wednesday, 7th August 2019 -  The battle to fix fundraising and achieve reforms using the existing state and territory regimes is lost, says the head of Not-for-profit Law at Justice Connect.
australian money

Is your brand hurting your fundraising?

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 25th July 2019 -  Branding should be built to support an organisation’s fundraising needs, not as an object of vanity, a new report warns.
pba inverse logo
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