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Folau’s GoFundMe take down highlights murky fundraising rules

Contributor, Tuesday, 25th June 2019 -  The shutdown of Israel Folau’s GoFundMe campaign raising money for his legal challenge against Rugby Australia has prompted calls from the fundraising sector for stricter regulation of international crowdfunding.   

Charities take fundraising into their own hands

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 18th June 2019 -  A group of Australia’s top charities have joined forces to create an independent, not-for-profit fundraising organisation to provide a sustainable flow of funds to the four organisations.     
TFN live crowdfunding event

How to revamp your fundraising strategy with live crowdfunding

Contributor, Tuesday, 30th April 2019 -  Live crowdfunding is a tried-and-tested model that engages donors in a fun and memorable way, write The Funding Network (TFN), which are sharing their IP and methodology so you can stage events yourself.

GoFundMe opens fundraising doors for Australian charities

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 24th April 2019 -  The world’s largest social online fundraising platform, GoFundMe, has launched a tool to unlock new donor potential and allow Australians to easily raise money for their favourite charity.  

How crowdfunding is helping US charities build trust

Luke Michael, Thursday, 18th April 2019 -  American charities turning to crowdfunding are experiencing an increase in giving because donors think they’re more transparent, new research shows.
growing money

Could you help make finance more sustainable?

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 17th April 2019 -  People from all corners of society are being encouraged to join some of the big finance players and civil society leaders to help guide the finance sector toward a more sustainable future.
social investing

Social impact gurus to charge the growth of impact market

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 15th April 2019 -  Australia’s impact investing market is ready to be taken to the next level, according to the newly appointed leaders of the expert panel, who will take charge of developing the nation’s fledgling social impact market.  
hands together holding money tree

Chinese giving grows to $33 billion

Luke Michael, Friday, 12th April 2019 -  The Chinese philanthropy sector has quadrupled in value over the last decade, according to a new report.


woman on calculator

Budgeting for evaluation – tips for applicants

Squirrel Main, Thursday, 11th April 2019 -  Tired of reading the same mistakes at the end of grant applications, Dr Squirrel Main offers grant writers her advice on evaluation budgets within a grant budget.
man watering money plant

Government urged to act on impact investment

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 8th April 2019 -  Peak impact investing groups are warning Australia will fall behind globally if the federal government doesn’t pick up the pace on scaling the nation’s impact investment market.  
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