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ALP will streamline tangled fundraising laws in government

Jonathan Alley, Wednesday, 13th April 2022 -  The Labor opposition has promised to tackle Australia’s morass of outdated fundraising laws across all states and territories, if elected.

Crowdfunding is on the rise, but what does that mean for charities?

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 15th March 2022 -  “I think there's definitely a place for traditional aid organisations… that understand the humanitarian response needs that are not just there for tomorrow”
close up of table with two coffee cups and two people sitting having a chat

The power of personal connection

Contributor, Tuesday, 15th March 2022 -  Strategic Grants’ director Jo Garner shares some of her top tips for nurturing that all-important funder relationship and keeping connected – whether it be virtually or in person.
group of people sitting around a table

Dog and Bone Impact Grants closing soon

Contributor, Thursday, 10th March 2022 -  Dog and Bone has extended the closing date for its first Impact Grant round for 2022. Apply by 18 March 2022. 
headshots of AMP tomorrow makers

AMP’s Tomorrow Fund has $1 million in grants – apply now

Contributor, Tuesday, 8th March 2022 -  The AMP Foundation is looking for exceptional individuals who are working hard on a community project but need help to take it to the next level. 

New natural disaster fundraising guidelines are here, but not everyone is happy

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 15th February 2022 -  Charities have criticised the guidelines for distracting from bigger problems
graphic of person helping another person climb up a block

Feeling stressed? You’re not alone

Contributor, Thursday, 27th January 2022 -  Strategic Grants’ director Jo Garner shares top tips for combatting stress when it comes to grants, plus practical advice on looking after your mental health thanks to Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation.
Online donation

Charities celebrate major fundraising reform win

Luke Michael, Monday, 13th December 2021 -  Fundraising reform has been named one of the Australian government’s key priorities to reduce the burden of overlapping regulations  


data concept, hand pointing at graphic of lines and image of a brain and cogs

Artificial intelligence to help solve fundraising challenges in 2022

Contributor, Wednesday, 8th December 2021 -  Save the Children CEO Paul Ronalds explains why the organisation decided to invest in Dataro.
group of people standing on top of a mountain with their hands in the air

iRaiser’s advanced new peer to peer solution

Contributor, Tuesday, 7th December 2021 -  iRaiser has an early bird offer for its peer to peer solution with $0 set up and the first three months free. With more features and more flexibility for far less fees, you can customise your P2P just how you would imagine it yourself.
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