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Five must do’s when partnering with business – A NFP’s guide to doing partnerships well

Shane Daniel, Wednesday, 2nd September 2020 -  Finding new and sustainable revenue streams is a challenge for all not for profits. Partnering with business offers the opportunity to do this, but how do you do it well? Beyond Bank’s Shane Farley offers five short tips to success.
Smiling woman working on her laptop

The best way to streamline your nonprofit’s financial process

Contributor, Thursday, 27th August 2020 -  Built on more than three decades of experience and expertise, Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT combines all the tools you need to streamline your financial processes and ensure the overall integrity of your organisation.
Man typing on a laptop

Swift action is key to turning struggling not for profits around

Mitch Griffiths, Tuesday, 25th August 2020 -  Mitch Griffiths, from turnaround and insolvency firm Rapsey Griffiths, has seen first-hand the financial struggles not for profits face. But he says it’s possible to turn things around if you know the warning signs and take swift action.

Fake charity scams soar in times of crisis

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 17th August 2020 -  New figures show charity scams are up nearly 70 per cent since 2019

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people sat around a table with their laptops, man at the front of the room writing on a whiteboard

To be, or not to be… a not for profit?

Nathan Sowell, Monday, 17th August 2020 -  Nathan Sowell from Social Ventures Australia tackles one of the big questions tech-for-good businesses face when starting up.
Sign saying Mind the Step

Building quality and safety in service delivery

Alan Hough, Tuesday, 11th August 2020 -  What is a just culture and how can it benefit an organisation? Alan Hough, from Purpose at Work, explains the approach and highlights some soft skills that can help executives in their communications with the board.
A man sitting on a bike.

Finding the right skills to ensure good governance

Contributor, Thursday, 6th August 2020 -  Social enterprises and not for profits gain valuable skills, perspectives and enduring relationships through the non-financial support of their funding partners.
empty board room with table in the middle and the words "Do Good Things" on the left wall

How do boards and executive teams promote human rights, quality and safeguarding?

Alan Hough, Tuesday, 4th August 2020 -  Alan Hough from Purpose at Work suggests they follow these seven steps.
close up people working on laptops

Why now is an ideal time for some reporting housekeeping

Ben Fock, Tuesday, 4th August 2020 -  As organisations turn their attention to the new revenue and leasing standards, they have an opportunity to review and improve the overall content and presentation of their financial reports, writes Ben Fock, from HLB Mann Judd Wollongong.

What’s the state of your AGM?

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 28th July 2020 -  A new app is launching to help charities check the rules around their annual general meetings 
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