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Mental Health

Youth matters

young Asian woman looking out of a window

How we can improve mental health services for CALD communities and young people

Sammy Huynh, Thursday, 3rd September 2020 -  Sammy Huynh reflects on the gaps she sees for CALD communities and young people as a young social worker.
Psilocybin mushrooms

‘We’re experiencing a growing mental health crisis. We need more innovative solutions.’

Wendy Williams, Monday, 24th August 2020 -  Campaigners believe using psychedelic medicines – including magic mushrooms and MDMA – to treat mental illnesses could be life changing.
young man wearing blue hoodie with his head in his hands

New report uncovers COVID-19 mental health toll on NFP sector

Luke Michael, Monday, 10th August 2020 -  Many leaders say they feel incredibly anxious, fearful and unprepared for this level of disaster   
stressed looking older woman wearing a facemask with her hand on her forehead

Calls for better mental health response to COVID-19

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 8th July 2020 -  New research shows the mental health impacts of the pandemic are far reaching
young man wearing blue hoodie with his head in his hands

COVID-19 and the impacts on mental health

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 28th May 2020 -  With the pandemic bringing significant mental health challenges, it is important we support each other and remember we are in this together, writes Community Sector Banking CEO Andrew Cairns.
hands on computer

Physically, not socially distant

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 2nd April 2020 -  “Through our connected strength we will come out the other side stronger,” chair of the Mental Health Commission says.  

Private inquiry for veteran suicide announced

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 6th February 2020 -  Advocates hope the new commissioner will bring comfort to struggling veterans 


mental health

To really fix Victoria’s mental health system, we’ll need to bridge the state/Commonwealth divide

Contributor, Tuesday, 3rd December 2019 -  The Victorian government has pledged to adopt all recommendations made in the interim report of the state’s mental health royal commission, writes Professor Anthony Jorm, Emeritus Professor at the University of Melbourne.
Farmer moving sheep

Drought assistance not a sufficient prescription for rural mental health

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 14th November 2019 -  One-off measures that only address financial implications will hardly be a long-term solution for the growing intensity and range of challenges facing rural communities, writes Andrew Cairns.
mental illness

Mental health system failing vulnerable Aussies

Luke Michael, Friday, 1st November 2019 -  The Productivity Commission estimates mental illness and suicide is costing Australia up to $180 billion a year 
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