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Low-Skilled Workers Being Excluded from Workforce

Lina Caneva, Monday, 31st October 2016 -  Low-skilled workers are increasingly being excluded from the workforce, according to a major not-for-profit report which shows there is only one job advertised for every two low-skilled job seekers.

Rural Training Pathways Needed for Nurses and Allied Health

Lina Caneva, Monday, 24th October 2016 -  Better training pathways and promotion are needed to convince more nurses and allied health professionals to go rural, according to a new not-for-profit study.


Euthanasia and People With Disabilities – Discussing the Issues From All Angles

Tricia Malowney, Thursday, 20th October 2016 -  The South Australian voluntary euthanasia bill as presented to the state parliament is not what should be enacted, writes disability consultant Tricia Malowney.

Finalists Announced for National Community Sector Awards

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 18th October 2016 -  Australia’s top community sector organisations and professionals have been recognised, with 12 finalists announced in the 2016 HESTA Community Sector Awards.

Increase in Child Poverty a National ‘Shame’

Lina Caneva, Sunday, 16th October 2016 -  Welfare peak body the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) has released a new report showing that 731,300 children, or 17.4 per cent of all children in Australia, are living in poverty, an increase of 2 per cent over the past 10 years (from 2

NFPs Not Prepared for Extreme Weather Events

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 13th October 2016 -  Welfare peak body, the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), said community organisations were still poorly prepared to respond to extreme weather events and the significant impact on their own operations.

New Research Looks for NFP Innovation Improvements

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 13th October 2016 -  New national research into Australia’s not-for-profit organisations aims to uncover greater insights and possible improvements in innovation performance across the sector.

NFP CEO Wins NSW Telstra Business Women’s Award

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 13th October 2016 -  The CEO of disability service provider Achieve Australia, Anne Bryce, has been recognised as NSW Businesswoman of the Year in the for-purpose and social enterprise category in the 2016 Telstra Business Women's Awards.

Rooming House Tenants Pay High Price for Living in Poverty

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 12th October 2016 -  A six-month snapshot of Melbourne rooming houses has revealed a significant ongoing problem of illegal properties, exorbitant rents and poor conditions in accommodation run by both for-profit and not-for-profit organisations.
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Lawyers Reach Pro Bono Target for First Time in Five Years

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 11th October 2016 -  Lawyers from large legal firms have reached a voluntary national target for providing pro bono legal services for the first time in five years and increased their work by more than 8 per cent on 2015, according to new research.
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