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Concerns 18C Reform Could Lead to Workplace Bullying

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 13th September 2016 -  Reducing the strength of the Racial Discrimination Act could lead to racial and religious vilification in the workplace, according to Australia’s Not for Profit workplace diversity advisor.

NSW Announces ‘Once in a Decade’ Opportunity to Tackle Homelessness

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 13th September 2016 -  The New South Wales Government is calling on everyone with an interest in preventing homelessness to have their say in a new blueprint outlining the state’s strategy over the next decade.


ATO Commits to Better NFP Engagement and Communication

Rod Walker, Tuesday, 13th September 2016 -  The Australian Tax Office is on a mission to better understand some of the unique challenges facing the Not for Profit workforce, including volunteers, and the issues around meeting tax obligations and accessing tax concessions, writes Rod Walker, se

Australia’s Asylum Seeker Policies Cost Taxpayers $9.6B Over Three Years

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 13th September 2016 -  Australia’s immigration policies are “expensive, inhumane and blunt”, according to a new report that has revealed the current asylum seeker framework has cost Australian taxpayers $9.6 billion since 2013.


Disruptor or Disrupted?

David Crosbie, Tuesday, 13th September 2016 -  Not for Profits that invest in the quality of their interactions within both their existing communities and their potential communities, have little to fear from disruption, writes David Crosbie, CEO of Community Council for Australia.

Pressure Mounts to Drop Plebiscite

Wendy Williams, Monday, 12th September 2016 -  Pressure on the government to drop the marriage equality plebiscite is mounting as the opposition leader has introduced a private member’s bill to the lower house calling on the parliament to put the question of same-sex marriage to a vote.


Will The Real Gender Pay Gap Please Stand Up?

Rebecca Cassells, Monday, 12th September 2016 -  It’s time to clear up how we think about the gender pay gap and what it can tell us about the current and future economic security of women, writes Curtin University, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre associate professor Rebecca Cassells, in this ar

Training Essential to NDIS Success Says Training Awards Winner

Wendy Williams, Monday, 12th September 2016 -  A well-trained workforce is essential to the success of the NDIS, according to Not for Profit House with No Steps, which has won the NSW Training Award for the 2016 Large Employer of the Year.

Disability Service Sector Can’t Meet NDIS Demand

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 8th September 2016 -  A significant number of disability service organisations lack the financial capacity to meet the increased demand from the National Disability Insurance Scheme, according to new research.


What NFPs Can Learn from Zoe Foster-Blake

Richenda Vermeulen, Thursday, 8th September 2016 -  ntegrity director Richenda Vermeulen explores what Not for Profits can learn from Zoë Foster-Blake, a well-known author and founder of fast-growing skin care range Go-To, who knows success isn’t about campaigns, it’s about the whole customer exp
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