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GFC Hit Tax Deductible Giving to Australian NFPs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th June 2011 -  The Global Financial Crisis in 2008-09 saw a decrease in the amount of money Australians donated to Not for Profit organisations, according to a recent examination of tax-deductible giving data.

Engaging NFP Audiences with Authentic Conversation: CU11 Day Two

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd June 2011 -  Not for Profit staff need to break free from organisational thinking if they are to be authentic and engaging, Canadian comedian and conversationalist Heather Gold has told the Connecting Up Conference in Melbourne.

Challenges for Low Income Families – Hardship Survey

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 2nd June 2011 -  A new report from Anglicare Victoria shows 25 per cent of emergency relief clients cannot afford to buy prescription medication, almost half cannot afford dental treatment and one in five are too poor to eat a good meal once a day.

Cloud Computing: Allowing NFPs to Focus on What Really Matters

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 1st June 2011 -  Cloud computing can improve the efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility of Not for Profit organisations, however first they need to learn to let go of the things that don't matter, according to Holly Ross, CEO of the Nonprofit Technology Network.

Connecting Up Conference Kicks Off

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 1st June 2011 -  The Connecting Up 2011 Conference has kicked off in Melbourne, with the 400 delegates at the Not for Profit technology conference hearing about the technological challenges and trends facing the sector.

Heather Gold Joins Connecting Up Conference

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th May 2011 -  With Alex Gunn unable to attend the Connecting Up 2011 conference in Melbourne, Canadian comedian, conversationalist and self-confessed geek Heather Gold has been named as a new keynote speaker.

Social Media Key to Engaging Young Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th May 2011 -  A new report on engaging young people in volunteering in Tasmania has called for organisations to embrace websites and social networking.

The Not for Profit Reform Journey Begins

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th May 2011 -  The Federal Budget contained big changes to the way charitable organisations can operate, and now all eyes are on Bill Shorten as the Not for Profit sector begins a new journey, writes Community Council of Australia CEO David Crosbie.
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