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Future of Social Networks – What it Means for Community Change

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 13th April 2011 -  A new US report aims to help funders consider how to use social networks to foster community change.

Support for Community Sector Pay Increase Overwhelming -Poll

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 12th April 2011 -  The vast majority of Australians think community sector workers are underpaid and should be better rewarded for the work they do according to new polling from peak welfare body the Australian Council of Social Service.

Australian Aid Saving Millions of Lives: Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 12th April 2011 -  A new report released by aid organisation World Vision claims that Australian aid dollars have contributed to significant declines in child deaths, gains in school enrolments and the provision of clean water and sanitation for the world’s poorest p

Cause Marketing Lowers Charitable Donations: US Research

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th April 2011 -  Cause marketing lowers charitable donations and can lead to decreased consumer happiness, according to research from an American University.

National Disability and Carer Congress Seeks Social Media Champions

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th April 2011 -  National Disability Insurance Scheme campaign group Every Australian Counts is looking for social media-savy volunteers to take on the role of bloggers, tweeters and status updaters from the upcoming The National Disability and Carer Congress in Melb


New Book Advocates NFP Manifesto for Change

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th April 2011 -  A soon-to-be-published Australian book controversially sets out a radical manifesto for change in the Not for Profit sector, including expunging the word ‘charity’ from the vocabulary.

GPS Treasure Hunt an Australian First

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th April 2011 -  A Melbourne charity has turned to using state-of-the-art GPS technology in its latest fundraising drive - claiming a high tech treasure hunt around the Melbourne CBD is the first charity event of its kind in Australia.

NFP Event Management Courses – Special Offer

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th April 2011 -  Not for Profits across of Australia are being offered short courses in event management to keep abreast of event trends and innovations - with a special offer for Pro Bono Australia readers.

Researching the Cost of Compliance for NFPs

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 5th April 2011 -  There are more than 50 different sets of quality or service standards applied to the Not for Profit sector, according to researchers who are trying to uncover the true cost of the sector’s compliance burden.

Perfect Storm Threatens NFP Sector

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 31st March 2011 -  Workers in the social and community services sector will be lost to a ‘perfect storm’ of coinciding threats unless the Gillard Government acts on reform promises, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has told the National ACOSS Conference in
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