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Union Warns on Sustainability Reporting

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 31st March 2011 -  Mining and energy union, the CFMEU has called for an overhaul of Sustainability Reporting to prevent what is says is poor reporting of labour practices.

Working Life & Mental Illness: SANE Research

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 31st March 2011 -  National mental health charity, SANE Australia, is conducting an on-line research survey on working life and mental illness.

NFP Sector Needs a Stronger Voice : Bill Shorten

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 30th March 2011 -  The Australian Not for Profit sector needs to develop a stronger voice to advocate on behalf of itself, invest more in training leaders from within its ranks and lead the way in employing disabled people, the Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten has told

Insights from the ACOSS Media and Communications Forum

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 29th March 2011 -  The inaugural ACOSS Media and Communications Forum has kicked off the ACOSS 2011 National Conference in Melbourne - and twitter was the word of the day!

Scrap Corporate Tax Cut, Fund Welfare Programs : Greens

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 29th March 2011 -  The Australian Greens will move to scrap the Gillard Government's planned corporate tax cut for big businesses, arguing the money could be better spent on establishing a national dental care scheme and funding increases in welfare payments, the 2011

Record Support for National Close the Gap Day

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th March 2011 -  Tens of thousands of Australia are expected to pledge their support for closing the 10-17 year Indigenous life expectancy gap at more than 850 National Close the Gap Day events around Australia.

To PDF or Not to PDF? Online Accessibility for People with Disablities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th March 2011 -  The way information is presented online by governments and others can make it difficult for those with disabilities, according to a new study by the Australian Government.

Twitter as a Conference Communication Tool

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st March 2011 -  It seems that everywhere you look, someone is talking about twitter. The 24-hour news cycle and the public’s hunger for celebrity gossip means that the micro-blogging site is the first point of call for content hungry journalists and producers eve

Partnership to Fight Poverty

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th March 2011 -  The Australian of the Year, Simon McKeon is to launch a new partnership to inspire young people to take action in the fight against poverty.

Charity “Swags” Wins International Design Award

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th March 2011 -  “Swags for Homeless” is the first Australian organisation, and the first charity, to win the international Red Dot "Best of the Best" Design Award for its ‘Backpack Bed’.
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