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2011 AbaF Awards – Call for Entries

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th February 2011 -  Entries are open for the11th annual Australian Business Arts Foundation (AbaF) Awards in 2011.

Volunteering Trends Toward the Internet & Young People

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th February 2011 -  A new report finds Australian volunteers have a growing preference for online volunteering and more young people want to get involved.

UK Charitable Giving ‘Recession-Proof’ – Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th February 2011 -  Charitable giving by UK households is largely recession-proof, according to new research by the University of Bristol and Cass Business School.

Signs of Recovery Among US NFPs – Survey

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th February 2011 -  A US survey by Not for Profit organisation Bridgespan shows more than 50% of organisations are reporting an increase in revenue in 2010.


Not for Profits Lose Sight of Volunteer Heritage

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th February 2011 -  Opinion | The 2011 Australian of the Year, Simon McKeon, has urged Australians to volunteer in community organisations and become involved in the Not for Profit sector. Both are easier said than done, according to Vern Hughes, the director of the Cen

Text Message Donors Will Give More: Survey

Staff Reporter, Friday, 4th February 2011 -  A US survey has found that donors pledging money via text message will donate again in the future, and are open to engaging with more traditional channels such as direct mail, email and online giving.

Marketing Strategies Can Benefit Volunteer Recruitment

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd February 2011 -  Volunteer-involving-organisations should use marketing strategies to recruit more suitable volunteers according to a Sydney academic.

School’s High Price Tag – NFP Survey

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd February 2011 -  A Not for Profit survey reveals the high schooling price tag for Australian families in 2011 and beyond.
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