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Online Ticketing Startup For NFPs Celebrates 1st Birthday

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd December 2010 -  Eventarc - an Australian-based online ticketing and event registration platform - looks back on it's first year and considers how best to educate the Not for Profit Sector on the benefits of new online technology.

Index Unlocks Secrets to Happiness

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 25th November 2010 -  Millionaires are not the happiest Australians - instead, those with the highest wellbeing are living with a partner and have a combined income of around $100,000, according to the latest Australian Unity Wellbeing Index.

Digital IQ Index for NFPs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 25th November 2010 -  A unique index measuring the digital IQ of Public Sector organisations in the US has placed just one Not for Profit organisation in its category of 'genius'.

Oprah Looking for Aussie Heroes

Staff Reporter, Friday, 19th November 2010 -  Oprah is looking to give $100,000 to help a deserving Australian achieve their dream of helping others.

New Service to Mark National Apology Anniversary

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th November 2010 -  To mark the first anniversary of the national apology to the Forgotten Australians and former child migrants, the Gillard Government has released details of a new nationwide Find and Connect Service to trace personal and family histories.

Greens Leader to Address Australian Sustainability Awards

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th November 2010 -  Greens leader, Senator Bob Brown will be the keynote speaker at 10th annual Australian Sustainability Awards next month in what will be his first speech to a corporate and investor audience since October’s Tasmanian forestry deal.

Do Christmas the Easy ‘Ecard’ Way

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th November 2010 -  Sponsored Article | Thrill your supporters, clients and save time, money and the environment with a personalised Christmas eCard this year!

Body Image, Stress & Environment Biggest Issues for Young Australians

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 17th November 2010 -  Body image issues, stress and school/study worries are the leading personal concerns of young Australians, according to a major national survey by Mission Australia.

Training & Development Key to NFP Performance

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 17th November 2010 -  Australia’s Not for Profit sector must invest in training and development of its leaders if it is to improve its performance, according to a new report by the Australian Scholarships Foundation.
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