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Who’s Missing From Our TV Screens?

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 31st August 2016 -  People with disability are significantly underrepresented on Australian television, along with people of diverse sexual orientation or gender identity, according to a new industry report.

More Than $100M Defrauded by Australians to Gamble

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 31st August 2016 -  A new report into fraud has found more than $100 million has been stolen in the last five years in Australia by people needing to satisfy their gambling addiction, and the report authors believe the finding is just the tip of the iceberg.

Melbourne Youth Initiative Shuts Its Doors With Families Fearing For the Future

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 30th August 2016 -  Families of children with a disability have been left “devastated” after a Not for Profit specialising in children with complex behavioural problems has been forced to close its doors and cancel upcoming camps due to a lack of funding.

Voice Your Choice Video Empowers Support Workers

Wendy Williams, Monday, 29th August 2016 -  Support workers for young people with disability have been given a “breakthrough” tool to help transition their practice to suit the new NDIS system and empower those in out-of-home care or preparing to leave care.

Is Your Employer Watching You? Online Profiling Blurs the Boundary of Our Public and Private Lives

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th August 2016 -  Online profiling is a growing trend among organisations, but the practice is not without controversy writes QUT’s Business and Management senior lecturer Peter O'Connor and professor of Work and Organisation Paula McDonald, in this article which fi


The Pursuit of Being Awesome

Wendy Williams, Monday, 29th August 2016 -  Iain de Jong is a Canadian based academic and social change advocate who has been described as a leader of an international movement to end homelessness. He is this week's Changemaker.

ACNC Revokes Status of 503 Charities for Double Defaulting

Wendy Williams, Friday, 26th August 2016 -  The national charity regulator is calling on the public to always check the Charity Register before giving, to ensure that they are giving to a legitimate registered charity.


Offering Solutions – Creating the Australia We Want

David Crosbie, Thursday, 25th August 2016 -  Maybe we all need to “toughen up”, show real courage and take decisions that will make us a safer, fairer and more just society writes David Crosbie, CEO of Community Council for Australia.

New Financial Year a Good Time to Review Fraud Risk

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 25th August 2016 -  Up to 50 per cent of organisations are affected by fraud, while only 10 per cent are aware of it writes Chris King, a partner at award-winning chartered accounting firm HLB Mann Judd.

Boosting Digital Ability Key to Overcoming Australia’s Digital Divide

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 25th August 2016 -  Improving digital ability is key to boosting digital inclusion and ensuring Australians are not missing out on the social, health and financial benefits of being online, according to a new study.
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