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Disability Charity Wins Blackbaud Challenge

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 3rd August 2016 -  An Australian charity has received a $10,000 donation to “power the passions of people with disabilities” as part of a global online competition.

Public Housing Could Save Health Millions – Homelessness Report

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 2nd August 2016 -  A new report has found that the provision of public housing for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness could save nearly $5,000 per individual each year in health costs alone.


Homelessness is the Canary in the Coalmine

Robert Pradolin, Tuesday, 2nd August 2016 -  The economic impact and productivity of this country is inextricably linked to the fundamental need for a stable form of shelter for all Australians, writes philanthropist and property development expert Robert Pradolin as part of national Homelessne

Australia’s First Tiny Home Project in NSW

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 2nd August 2016 -  Tiny Homes Foundation (THF) has received development approval to build what is believed to be Australia’s first tiny house project for homeless women and men, including young people and the elderly.

UK Introduces New Social Investment Power for Charities

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 2nd August 2016 -  The UK Charity Commission has issued guidelines around a new law that gives statutory power to charities to make social investments.

New Homes For Women and Children Fleeing Family Violence

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 2nd August 2016 -  Women and children fleeing family violence could be about to get a new home following the release of the Victorian Government’s Housing Blitz funds.

Mick Gooda and Margaret White to Head Royal Commission

Wendy Williams, Monday, 1st August 2016 -  Indigenous advocate Mick Gooda and former justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland Margaret White have been appointed to head up the royal commission into the Northern Territory’s juvenile justice system.
People behind bars

Royal Commissioner Brian Martin Steps Down

Wendy Williams, Monday, 1st August 2016 -  The royal commissioner into juvenile justice Brian Martin has resigned just four days after being appointed by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.


Business Women

Every Woman has a Story

Wendy Williams, Monday, 1st August 2016 -  Donna de Zwart is CEO of Fitted for Work, the first Australian organisation of its kind, dedicated to helping women experiencing disadvantage get into work and keep it. She is this week’s Changemaker.
Woman walking

Just One Hour of Exercise a Day Could Offset the Risks of Modern Life

Wendy Williams, Monday, 1st August 2016 -  Working in an office is as bad for you as smoking but just one hour of exercise a day could help combat the fatal risks of modern life, according to new research.
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