David Crosbie, Thursday, 14th July 2016 -
A new Productivity Commission inquiry into Australia’s provision of human services has major ramifications for the future of the charities and Not for Profit sector, writes David Crosbie CEO of Community Council for Australia.
Wendy Williams, Thursday, 14th July 2016 -
Community treasurers are being recognised for the contribution they make to hundreds of thousands of community groups around Australia, with the chance to win $5,000 for their Not for Profit organisations.
Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 13th July 2016 -
Philanthropists Graham and Louise Tuckwell have left a lasting legacy at The Australian National University after donating $200 million in the country’s largest ever personal philanthropic contribution to a university.
Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 12th July 2016 -
As many as nine out of 10 Not for Profit employees in the UK are concerned about the impact Brexit will have on their charities, according to a new survey.
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 12th July 2016 -
Australia’s premier storytelling event, the Walkley Foundation's Storyology festival, is back from 10 to 12 August in Sydney, along with satellite events for the public in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne.
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 12th July 2016 -
Funding limitations have traditionally impacted on what goods charities and Not for Profits could obtain, but a new national survey is set to clarify the issue thanks to an innovative collaboration between HLB Mann Judd and Good360.
Lina Caneva, Thursday, 7th July 2016 -
Greyhound racing is set to be banned in New South Wales in response to what the state government has described as “widespread illegal and unconscionable activity”.
NSW will become the first Australian state to shut …
Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 6th July 2016 -
A remake of the 1996 Spice Girls’ hit Wannabe has taken girl power a step further in a bid to highlight gender inequality issues faced by women across the world.
Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 6th July 2016 -
The majority of Labor, Green and Independent voters would prefer negotiations with crossbench MPs rather than calling another election, according to a new poll.
Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 5th July 2016 -
The world’s largest short film festival has announced it will become a Not for Profit with Mad Max director George Miller set to be the first member of the board.