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2021 blocks on top of coins

What does the social sector want to see in this year’s budget?

Luke Michael, Monday, 10th May 2021 -  We take a look at the social sector’s wishlist for the 2021 federal budget
Cassandra Goldie

Pre-budget brief: ‘The government must ensure that people aren’t left behind’

Cassandra Goldie, Monday, 10th May 2021 -  Cassandra Goldie provides a run through of what the Australian Council of Social Service is looking for in this week’s federal budget.


Woman with platted hair giving a public speech at the park in front of a blurry crowd of around 50 people

What’s the price of community resilience?

David Crosbie, Thursday, 6th May 2021 -  A new set of priorities is emerging for governments around the need to build resilient communities, but focusing on the physical infrastructure is only a small part of the community resilience story, writes David Crosbie, reflecting on the upcoming f
close up of a person using a calculator with a pen in the left hand

‘JobKeeper was a lifeline’: As payment ends some charities thrive while others face staff cuts

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 25th March 2021 -  12 per cent of charities say they will need to retrench staff when the wage subsidy ends
close up person pressing numbers on a calculator while other hands points to figures on piece of paper

What difference has JobKeeper made to the sector? Have your say

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 16th March 2021 -  Pro Bono News is surveying the sector to see what impact the end of JobKeeper will have. Have your say and take part in our reader poll now. 
People on the street

‘It’s hard to fathom’: Homelessness organisations plea for funding certainty

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 10th March 2021 -  Over 180 organisations have signed a letter calling for the government to reverse upcoming cuts   

How to win friends and influence government

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 22nd February 2021 -  A new report shares advice on how charities can improve their relationship with all levels of government  


elderly man sitting in a wheelchair in his home

Yes, older Australians need more home-care funding. But these dribs and drabs only make a dent in the waiting list

Contributor, Thursday, 17th December 2020 -  The federal government has announced $850 million for 10,000 additional home-care packages, as part of $1 billion for aged care. Here's why that's not nearly enough.


hands in middle

Politics and the power of collaboration

David Crosbie, Thursday, 10th December 2020 -  As political considerations are becoming a more prominent factor in government decision-making, the focus of the charities sector needs to be more about collective action, writes David Crosbie.


Charity workers sorting through donations

Charities as drivers of employment, productivity, and growth

David Crosbie, Thursday, 26th November 2020 -  If governments were primarily focused on boosting employment and maximising investment in job creation, creating more employment for people in charities would be one of their highest priorities, writes David Crosbie.
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