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VCOSS Clearinghouse Funding Case Supported by Independent Evaluation

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th December 2009 -  VCOSS case for long term funding for its Training and Development Clearinghouse strengthened by the findings of independent evaluation.

PIAC Launches Mental Health Legal Project

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th December 2009 -  NSW Lawyers provide practical help for people who are mentally ill.

Australia’s Welfare 2009 – How Do We Measure Up?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th November 2009 -  A new report looks at welfare-related services for children and young people, families, those with disability, carers, the homeless and older Australians - and how we measure up.

Sharper Focus for Victorian Community Support Fund After Critical Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th November 2009 -  Victoria's Community Support Fund is to be given a sharper focus after criticism from the Auditor General.

Social Inclusion – Not a Concept to Drive Social Policy

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th November 2009 -  The Rudd Government's Social Inclusion plans scrutinized from within the Social Policy Unit

ATOs New Tax Concession Charity Application Packs

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th November 2009 -  New Tax Application Packs launched on ATO website

MCF Launches MacroMelbourne 2009

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd November 2009 -  Melbourne Community Foundation launches its MacroMelbourne 'liveable city' report

Productivity Commission Response – A Model of National Fundraising Regulation Needed

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th November 2009 -  Queensland fundraising expert Dr Ted Flack says the Productivity Commission's recommended strategy of 'harmonisation' of the existing state fundraising regulations will not be achieved by harmonisation alone, rather by the development of a model of n

Government to Develop National Volunteering Strategy

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th November 2009 -  The Rudd Government has begun discussions with the Third Sector and State and Territory Ministers to develop a National Volunteering Strategy.
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