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Group of protesters on the road with their arms raised

Putting democracy back in the hands of the people

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 19th May 2021 -  “Government decisions are not being made in the interests of the community and the planet, but for vested interests, such as the fossil fuel industry” 
Person looking through files

Advocates say nation’s FOI system is under attack

Luke Michael, Monday, 15th March 2021 -  A campaign from the Grata Fund is trying to make it easier for Australians to access government information


people voting in US election

Whatever happens in the US elections, the work ahead does not change

David Ritter, Thursday, 5th November 2020 -  It is time to think about the most effective thing that each of us can do next, according to our capacity, power and ability to leave the world a better place, writes David Ritter.


femal environmental scientist testing water in a creek

Research reveals shocking detail on how Australia’s environmental scientists are being silenced

Robyn Gulliver, Wednesday, 9th September 2020 -  As Don Driscoll and his colleagues write, scientists in government, industry and universities are being gagged from communicating the evidence on critical environmental issues. Often, this means the facts don’t reach the public or government minist


climate protesters marching

Democracy and COVID

David Ritter, Thursday, 7th May 2020 -  We are seeing a sharp withering of vital features of our democratic system, which matters intensely to everyone who cares about the climate emergency and the ecological crisis, writes David Ritter.


Silhouette looking at crowd marching

Smear campaign against green activists, anti-protest laws and media restrictions in Australia

Robyn Gulliver, Thursday, 6th February 2020 -  In an illuminating new article, CIVICUS Monitor highlights why Australia's civic space rating was recently downgraded to “narrowed”.


Group of kids going to school together, walking in a line, seen from behind

Don’t believe the stereotype: These five charts show our democracy is safe in the hands of future voters

Contributor, Monday, 16th December 2019 -  It's not that young people don't like politics – they just want to do politics differently, write Mark Evans, Gerry Stoker and Max Halupka.
demostrator with megaphone and notebook protesting

The best country in the world… but not for activism

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 5th December 2019 -  New research reveals Australia’s civil society is under increasing threat 



Free speech has failed us

Contributor, Monday, 4th November 2019 -  In many cases more speech is not always in the best interests of truth or humanity, writes Dr Tim Dean.
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