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Federal Election

NFP CEO in Tight Battle for Qld Seat

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 7th July 2016 -  The CEO of a Queensland mental health organisation, who is in a tight electoral battle over the federal seat of Herbert, says it’s time for more Not for Profit leaders to take their their skills to Parliament.

Election Analysis

Cliffhanger Election 2016: Have we Reached Peak Disaffection?

Sara Bice, Thursday, 7th July 2016 -  Saturday’s vote confirmed a global wave of voter disaffection, social inequality and doubts in democracy as we know it, writes Sara Bice, socio-political commentator from the Melbourne School of Government at the University of Melbourne.

Federal Election

Post-Election Poll Shows Support for Crossbench Negotiations

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 6th July 2016 -  The majority of Labor, Green and Independent voters would prefer negotiations with crossbench MPs rather than calling another election, according to a new poll.

Federal Election

NFP Says Minority Government Could Be Good

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 5th July 2016 -  Not for Profit Anglicare Australia has argued that minority government could be a good thing.

Federal Election

Pauline Hanson Rhetoric Dangerous, Race Discrimination Commissioner Warns

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 5th July 2016 -  Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane believes Pauline Hanson’s rhetoric on race, multiculturalism and immigration, which includes calling for a royal commission into Islam, could lead to “fear, hate and division”.

Federal Election

NFP Claims the Message from Voters is Health Matters

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 5th July 2016 -  In the wake of the tight election results the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has called for cooperation on health claiming the voters have spoken.

Election Analysis

As Saturday’s Poll Looms, Stability is the Go-To Slogan

Sara Bice, Thursday, 30th June 2016 -  Eight weeks ago, the federal election launched with appeals to innovation and the future but the parties have struggled to sustain voters’ interests, writes Sara Bice, socio-political commentator from the Melbourne School of Government at the Unive

Major Parties Respond to Diversity Peak Body

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 30th June 2016 -  The Coalition and Labor parties have released their pre-election policy statements on workplace diversity and inclusion to Diversity Council Australia (DCA), which includes the gender pay gap, domestic violence leave, and workforce participation for

Majority of Australians Disagree with Government Policy on Refugees

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 30th June 2016 -  The majority of Australians believe refugees who arrive in Australia by boat should be allowed to stay in the country, according to a new poll.

Coalition Ignores Women’s Health Charter

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 30th June 2016 -  The federal Coalition has failed to endorse the first Australian Women’s Health Charter or committed to any of its four proposals in the lead up to the 2 July poll, according to the Australian Women’s Health Network.
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