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Federal Election

Welfare Crackdown to Improve Coalition’s Budget Bottom Line

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 28th June 2016 -  The Coalition has revealed the federal budget would be improved by $1.1 billion over the next four years, largely due to a welfare crackdown and saving on unspent community and transport funds. In releasing his…

Federal Election

Organisations Come Together to Demand Voice for Young Australians

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 28th June 2016 -  Political leaders are being called on to ensure the voices of young Australians are heard in the new parliament. More than 60 organisations — including peak bodies, youth organisations, community groups, charities, trade unions, universities…

Election Analysis

Strengthening Partnerships for the Future

Christian Porter, Tuesday, 28th June 2016 -  A re-elected Turnbull Coalition government will ensure the charity and Not for Profit sector thrives into the future, writes the minister for social services, Christian Porter, in the lead up to the 2 July poll.

Election Analysis

Where are the Women’s Issues in This Election?

Sara Bice, Thursday, 23rd June 2016 -  Women are more engaged than men in the federal election, so why are women’s issues marginalised asks Sara Bice, socio-political commentator from the Melbourne School of Government at the University of Melbourne in a series of articles leading up to

Federal Election

Xenophon Calls for Aged Care Funding Inquiry

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 23rd June 2016 -  Independent South Australian Senator Nick Xenophon has called for a Senate inquiry into aged care funding, condemning the two major parties for their federal election mandate on the issue.

Federal Election

Greens Move On Royal Commission into Disability Abuse

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 23rd June 2016 -  The Australian Greens would commit $400 million over four years to fund a royal commission into abuse, violence and neglect of people with disability in institutional and residential settings and has called on the major parties to do the same.


Labor’s NFP Line in the Sand – Time for Government to Work Together Again

Andrew Leigh, Tuesday, 21st June 2016 -  Opinion: We need Australian charities to help tackle two big challenges in Australia – inequality and re-connecting community life, writes shadow assistant treasurer, Andrew Leigh who explains Labor’s election pledge to the sector.

Federal Election

Anglicare Australia Highlights the Value of Secure Work

Wendy Williams, Monday, 20th June 2016 -  Peak social advocacy organisation Anglicare Australia has released its election Position Paper on Secure Work, highlighting “the immense value of secure work” and calling for a tax and welfare system that supports communities.

Federal Election

Labor Pledges to Address Homelessness and Affordable Housing

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 16th June 2016 -  The Labor Party has promised to take action to reduce homelessness as well as address the housing affordability crisis, in a move that follows a lengthy campaign from the Not for Profit sector.
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