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Charity Sector Welcomes Release of ACNC Review

Luke Michael, Thursday, 23rd August 2018 -  The charity sector has welcomed the release of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission legislation review, which says the sector needs a single national scheme and fundraising reform to combat an “unacceptable level of unnecessary r
Gary Johns at his desk

In Conversation: Dr Gary Johns

Wendy Haigh, Thursday, 15th March 2018 -  Dr Gary Johns is the commissioner of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
Man with tape covering his mouth

St Vincent de Paul Warns Foreign Donations Bill Will Mute the Voice of Charities

Luke Michael, Thursday, 11th January 2018 -  The federal government’s proposed foreign donations bill will burden charities with “complex, cumbersome and costly administrative requirements” that will severely curtail frontline services and advocacy, the St Vincent de Paul Society has warn
Michael Sukkar and Gary Johns

Charities Express Shock At ‘Bizarre’ Appointment of Gary Johns to Head ACNC

Luke Michael, Thursday, 7th December 2017 -  The social sector is reeling at the “bizarre” appointment of Dr Gary Johns – considered a staunch critic of charities –  as the new commissioner of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).


Reflecting on the Origins of World Charity Day

Matthew Turnour, Monday, 5th September 2016 -  International charity day is an opportunity to pause and reflect on the many examples of individuals and nations doing good, writes Brisbane lawyer Dr Matthew Turnour who asks whether Australia should embed recognition of the day into our charity law

‘Cults’ Hiding as Charities

David Crosbie, Tuesday, 30th June 2015 -  Organisations that could be identified as cults are registered as charities in Australia and receiving tax exempt status, a group of experts has claimed. Journalist Xavier Smerdon investigated the issue of when a charity becomes a cult.


Future of the ACNC Under a Federal Coalition

David Crosbie, Tuesday, 30th April 2013 -  A Federal Coalition Government would restructure the Australian Charities and Not for profit Commission into a smaller educative and training body returning its regulatory powers to the ATO and ASIC after the election. Kevin Andrews the Shadow Minist
Susan Pascoe

ACNC Opens for Business

Staff Reporter, Friday, 30th November 2012 -  Australia’s first charity regulator, the ACNC, has officially opened its doors for business announcing it will hit the road in the New Year in a national campaign to explain its proposed regulatory approach.

Productivity Commission – Final Report on Not for Profit Sector

David Crosbie, Thursday, 11th February 2010 -  Special report: There is a need for wide-­ranging reforms to remove unnecessary burdens and costs faced by the not-for-profit sector and improve its accountability, according to the final report of the Productivity Commission.

Report on Disclosure Regimes for Not for Profits Released

David Crosbie, Monday, 15th December 2008 -  An Australian Minister for the Third Sector and a single independent regulator for Not for Profit organisations are just some of the far reaching recommendations of the report by the Senate inquiry into disclosure regimes for charities and Not for Pr
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