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Improving your social impact reporting

Kevin Robbie, Monday, 29th May 2023 -  For-purpose organisations exist to create impact or social value. Mainly they are creating social value for people. Yet the uptake of reporting on impact or social value can be described as patchy at best. It lags behind best practice in the business


Looking down a long road. The road goes up and down several hills into the distance. On either side is a forest. The light is golden.

It’s a P-squared year

Kristy Muir, Friday, 13th January 2023 -  Professor Kristy Muir, CEO of the Paul Ramsay Foundation, explains how she'll approach the new year.


Gift giving: the secret to innovation in business?

Clare Steele, Monday, 28th November 2022 -  Incremental innovation is crucial for meeting the needs of supporters and can be as simple as a gift, writes Clare Steele. 


A brown instrument wallet with a stethoscope lying on it.

Why we must recognise the injustice of Australia’s medical history

Jamal Hakim, Wednesday, 31st August 2022 -  Australia's medical history is rooted in colonialism. Jamal Hakim explains why we need to acknowledge our history.

Happenings on the hill

penny wong introduces new ALP PM Anthony Albanese

It’s a Labor government: what now for the NFP and social purpose space?

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 23rd May 2022 -  The ALP will govern for the next three years. Neil Pharaoh argues that sector idealism won’t help if we want to avoid a return to conservative rule in 2025.


Filling the Service Gaps That People Keep Falling Through

Dr Tessa Boyd-Caine, Tuesday, 5th September 2017 -  Health justice partnerships (HJPs) are demonstrating the difference that services working in partnership can make for the communities who need them, writes Dr Tessa Boyd-Caine, CEO of Health Justice Australia, as the national centre for HJPs celebrat


Euthanasia and People With Disabilities – Discussing the Issues From All Angles

Tricia Malowney, Thursday, 20th October 2016 -  The South Australian voluntary euthanasia bill as presented to the state parliament is not what should be enacted, writes disability consultant Tricia Malowney.



The Politics of Competition

David Crosbie, Thursday, 6th October 2016 -  The recent Productivity Commission preliminary findings report into Competition in the Human Services makes for very interesting reading for the Not for Profit sector writes, David Crosbie, CEO of Community Council for Australia.


Capacity Is the Key to Effectiveness

Mae Hong, Thursday, 15th September 2016 -  There is an expectation that institutions and companies have adequate resources to deliver the goods and services society relies on. So why should the Not for Profit sector be different, asks Mae Hong, chair of US-based Grantmakers for Organizational
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