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Philanthropy: ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th October 2010 -  US philanthropy and grantmaking expert Barry Gaberman is currently in Australia, sharing his insights on the next decade of philanthropy. Mike Moran, a researcher with the Asia-Pacific Centre for Social Investment and Philanthropy at Swinburne Unive

“The Listening Project” Finds Fiscal Australia Not Listening to NFPs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th September 2010 -  A major study into the survival of Australian Not for Profits - The Listening Project- finds that the sector needs to be more visible and valued by government and corporate bodies.

Common Funding Agreement for Vic NFPs

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 28th September 2010 -  The Victorian Government has announced plans to develop a common funding agreement with the Not for Profit sector.

Crowding Out! Does Funding from Government Reduce Other Donations?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 28th September 2010 -  A US study has found that charities significantly miss out on or receive reduced funding from other donors when a government gives a grant to a private charitable organisation.

$42 Million to Reduce Homelessness in Victoria

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd September 2010 -  Six new flagship projects to reduce homelessness form the centrepiece of a new $42 million Victorian Government strategy.

Perpetual Announces Annual Funding

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 15th September 2010 -  Foundation fund manager, Perpetual, has announced its annual national funding round providing over $9 million in funding from its discretionary trusts to 200 organisations across Australia.

Billionaire Donates $100 Million to Human Rights Watch

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 8th September 2010 -  Billionaire philanthropist George Soros has announced a $100 million grant to internationalise the US Not for Profit organisation, Human Rights Watch.

Who, Why and How they Give – US Study

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th August 2010 -  New US research is set to change the way Not for Profits approach fundraising budgets.
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