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Philanthropy & giving


woman sat at a desk with laptop in front of her with her hand over her eyes, looking exhausted

Funding for impact and wellbeing

Julia Keady, Monday, 31st May 2021 -  Julia Keady, CEO and founder of The Xfactor Collective, looks at the connection between wellbeing and the systemic issues that led to widespread burnout across the social sector.

A three step guide to decolonising philanthropy

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 11th May 2021 -  “Decolonising wealth is really about sharing wealth and creating a future where we can all mutually thrive.” 

Australia’s biggest givers more generous than ever

Nikki Stefanoff, Wednesday, 5th May 2021 -  With the release of this year’s Philanthropy 50 list it’s clear that high wealth giving is only getting stronger but what about more generalised giving from the public? 

Philanthropy Australia unveils blueprint to enhance nation’s culture of giving

Luke Michael, Thursday, 22nd April 2021 -  “There's never been a more important time for philanthropy in Australia”      


one man in a suit giving a cheque to another man in a suit

Let’s be frank. There is a power imbalance between philanthropic funders and fundees

Sean Barrett, Monday, 19th April 2021 -  Unless we find ways to address this imbalance – and funders get frank feedback on how they can improve their performance – building partnerships of equals will be difficult, writes Sean Barrett.

New York homelessness NFP wins $100M MacArthur Grant

Nikki Stefanoff, Wednesday, 14th April 2021 -  Community Solutions will use the $100 million grant to implement and scale Built for Zero, its data-driven public health approach to ending homelessness.


Box containing AstraZeneca vaccine with Brazilian flag in the background

The Lemann Foundation and the case of the AstraZeneca vaccine

Charles Keidan, Friday, 2nd April 2021 -  The Lemann Foundation's role in the development of the AstraZeneca vaccine is a triumph for Brazilian philanthropy but not one which is widely known. Charles Keidan looks at why that is.


group young people sat in a circle talking to a therapist

Collaborative philanthropy: A new model to enable systemic change

Deb Tsorbaris, Wednesday, 17th March 2021 -  Collaborative philanthropy is an exciting way for philanthropists and organisations to combine forces in order to shape society for the better, writes Deb Tsorbaris, who shares the six key features that made The Out-of-Home Care Philanthropic Funders
rally crowd with raised fists

Why charities need to better understand populism or risk being disadvantaged

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 9th March 2021 -  New research shows populist values are a strong predictor of charitable giving
Whistleblower is giving a speech at press conference or media event

Supporting philanthropy to fund NFP journalism

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 24th February 2021 -  New research will explore the potential of a not-for-profit journalism sector  
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